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黑料网 Scientific Reports | Volume 1 Issue 4

Review Article
A Possible Link Between the Vascular Dysfunction and Skin Manifestation in Fabry Disease
Kozo Nakai, Kozo Yoneda, Tetsuya Moriue, and Yasuo Kubota
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Research Article
Ethanol Suppresses the Effects of Sodium Arsenite in Male Wister Albino Rats
Muhammad Aliyu, Oyeronke A Odunola, Solomon E Owumi, Nathan Habila, Idowu A Aimola and Ochuko L Erukainure
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Rapid Communication
Utilization and Efficacy of Activated Drotrecogin Alpha in a University Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Ahmed Z, Arunotai S, Onuma C and John DL
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Review Article
The Concept of “AIDS” According to Ayurved
Nishant Shukla
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Case Reports
Successful Management of Severe Bleeding After Redo Cardiac Transplantation with Recombinant Activated Factor VII
Rosina Albisinni, Daniela Pinto, Nicola Galdieri, Ciro Maiello and Emanuele Durante-Mangoni
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Research Article
Hepatoprotective Effects of Polygonum Bistorta and Its Active Principles on Albino Rats Intoxicated with Carbon Tetrachloride and Paracetamol
Mittal Deepak Kumar, Joshi Deepmala and Shukla Sangeeta
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Research Article
Sustainable Livelihood: Potential Role and Quality Assurance of Camel Export Trade in Somalia
Castiello Massimo, Innocente Sergio, Wamalwa Kinyanjui, Munyua Solomon John Muchina, Matete George and Njue Sophycate
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Research Article
Studies on Preparation of Buns Fortified with Germinated Horse Gram Flour
Chandralekha Bhokre, Pravin Udhavrao Ghatge, Girish Machewad and Ashok Rodge
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Case Report
Prolonged Intermediate Syndrome Due to Organophosphate Poisoning
Nadeem Ullah Khan, Muhammad Junaid Patel, M.N.M. Hifath, Saima Kamal, Syed Ather Hussain
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Research Article
Experimental Hybrids between Ascidians and Sea Urchins
Donald I Williamson and Nicander G J Boerboom
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Research Article
Antileptospiral, Antioxidant and DNA damaging properties of Eclipta alba and Phyllanthus amarus
Chandan S, Umesha S and BalamuruganV
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Research Article
Intranasal Delivery of Nanosized Melatonin-Encapsulated Niosomes in Rats
Aroonsri Priprem, Wanwisa Limphirat, Sucharat Limsitthichaikoon, Jeffrey R. Johns, Pramote Mahakunakorn
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Research Article
Pulse Oxyhemoglobin Desaturation Index for the Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Zhimin Shi, Guang Jin and Taoping Li
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Research Article
Bone Ingrowth to Insulin like Growth Factor-1 Loaded Zinc Doped Hydroxyapatite Implants: an In Vivo Study
Brihat Chettri, Samit Kumar Nandi, Abhijit Chanda and Howa Begam
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Research Article
Action of the Oxedrine and Tolazoline in Alpha-Adrenergic Receptor at Patients with Increased Bronchial Reactibility
Hilmi Islami, Mehmedali Azemi, Emir Behluli, Feim Haliti, Arta Dauti, Shpend Dragusha and Bedri Abdullahu
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Case Report
DICOM Medical Image Management the Challenges and Solutions: Cloud as a Service (CaaS)
Gunjanbhai Patel
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Research Article
Motivation to Learn Among English Language Learners in Sudan
Ibrahim Abdelrahim Ibrahim Humaida
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Research Article
Evaluation of Snake Repellents against the Principal Venomous Snakes of India in Laboratory Condition
Sukumaran D, Ganesan K, Parashar BD, Shri P and Vijayaraghavan R
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Research Article
A Rare Presentation of Aggressive Angiomyxoma as a Cervical Polyp
Kalpana A Bothale
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Research Article
Diagnostic Values of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis Compared with Surgical Findings
Pipat Chiewvit, Mattana Torwarapanit, Jitladda Wasinrat, Areesak Chotivichit, Thanet Watthanaapisith and Sanyapong Sanpakit
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Research Article
Assessing the Health Risk of Nitrate Content in Vegetables to the General Population in Tehran-Iran
Parisa Ziarati
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Research Article
Anticancer Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by the Seaweed Ulva lactuca Invitro
J. Saraniya Devi, and B. Valentin Bhimba
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Research Article
Novel biomarkers for Pregnancy Toxemia in Ewes: Acute Phase Proteins and Pro-inflammatory Cytokines
Wael M. EL-Deeb
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Research Article
Synthesis of the Maxwell Model Based on Nanoparticles
?? Ramazanov, ?S Aslanov
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Case Report
Yet Another Case of Typical Hallerman Streiff Syndrome Without Mutations in the GJA1 Gene
Krati Shah
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Research Article
Cost Analysis: Its Role in Metabolomics
Vivekananda Sarangi and Somnath Tagore
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Research Article
Community Based Pattern Recognition in Metabolomics
Neha J Varghese and Somnath Tagore
Research Article
GPS Technology in Service of Society: A Case Study of Snakebite
PP Patil, Abhijit A Patil and BT Jadhav
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Research Article
HPLC and HPTLC Determination of Caffeine in Raw and Roasted Date Seeds (Phoenix Dactylifera L)
R. Paranthaman Praveen Kumar. P and S. Kumaravel
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Cade Report
Unusual Superficial Lateral Course of Sigmoid Sinus
Abdul Halim Shibghatullah, Mohamad Khir Abdullah and Irfan Mohamad
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Research Article
Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Dr. Satish Nair
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Research Article
Occupational Hazards and Diseases among Forestry Workers in Poland
Bartosz Bilski
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Case Report
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Sanjay Singhal
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Research Article
Immunoglobulin Levels and Periodontal Diseases-A Clinical Immunological Study
Prathiba Chichurakanahalli Srinivasan
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Research Article
The Relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL) Symptom Endorsement and Self-Reported Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
Scott D Barnett, Susanne Gibbons and Edward J Hickling
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Research Article
Gastrointestinal Tract Abnormalities in Autism, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Many Other Clinical Entities May Be Due To T. Gondii infection
Joseph Prandota
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Research Article
Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Different Penicillia Isolated from Agricultural Soils
Mohammad Ali Javadi, Mohammad Ali Tajick Ghanbary and Zahra Tazick
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Research Article
Does Early-Life Starvation Influence Age-Specific Mortality? Evidence from the Ukraine Famine of 1933
Alexander M Vaiserman, Anatoly V Pisaruk, Oksana G Zabuga and Vladimir P. Voitenko
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Research Article
Endophytic Actinomycetes from Indian Medicinal Plants as Antagonists to Some Phytopathogenic Fungi
Mini Priya R
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Research Article
Status Epilepticus in Older Patients
Shane A O’Hanlon, Valerie Lim, Norman Delanty and Richard Liston
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