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黑料网 Scientific Reports | Volume 1 Issue 7

Research Article
Aetiology and antimicrobial studies of surgical wound infections in University of Uyo Teaching Hospital (UUTH) Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Comfort Aloysius Etok, Ekom Ndifreke Edem and Ernest Ochang
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Research Article
Characterization of Uropathogenic E. coli in relation to virulence Factors
Nazish Fatima, Mithlesh Agrawal, Indu Shukla and Parvez Anwar khan
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Research Article
Simulation of Medium Purity Gaseous Oxygen Cryogenic Plant for Biomass Gasification by Aspen Plus
Raibhole VN and Sapali SN
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Research Article
Multidrug-Resistant Human Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strain Resisted Inactivation by 10% Formalin
Oke AJ, Adeyemo AD and Oke AA
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Research Article
Animal Feed Formulation Using Non-Linear Programming and MATLAB
Pratiksha Saxena, Vinay Pathak and Vinod Kumar
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Research Article
Study of Lipid Abnormalities in Patients Maintained on Haemodialysis or Automated Peritoneal Dialysis in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia
Abdullah A-Hwiesh
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Review Article
Review of Dhyana Yoga in Promotion of Positive Health WSR to Cardio- Protective Effect of Dhyana
Nishant Shukla
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Research Article
A Toxicology and Clinical Study of Post Race Epistaxis Associated with Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage in Thoroughbred Race Horses at the Racecourse Rinconada, Caracas, Venezuela
Abelardo Morales Briceno, Diana Villoria Leon, Kimberly Brewer and Thomas Tobin
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Research Article
The Proximate Composition and Functional Properties of Full-Fat Flour, and Protein Isolate of Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus)
Ojukwu Moses, Olawuni I and Iwouno JO
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Research Article
Analysis and Characterization of Algal Oil by using Different Chromatographic Techniques for the Higher Production of Biodiesel from Scenedesmus Dimorphus Algal Species
Gulab Chand Shah, Mahavir Yadav and Archana Tiwari
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Review Article
Effect of Operating Parameters on the Performance of Combined Cycle Power Plant
A K Tiwari, M M Hasan and Mohd Islam
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Research Article
Assessing the Potential of Using Nylon Bags in Batch Analysis of Crude Fibre and Ether Extract of Livestock Feeds
Ncube S and Mpofu IDT
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Research Article
Evaluation of Postural Differences between Acl-Reconstructed Subjects and Healthy Controls, Using New York Scale and Biophotogrammetry
Bruno Ferreira, Gabrie Pádua da Silva, Selma Siéssere, Dinah Amoras, Edson Donizetti Verri, Giovana Spriolli, Victor Rodrigues Nepomuceno, Marisa Semprini and Simone Cecilio Hallak Regalo
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Research Article
Risk Indicators of Operative Difficulty of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital
Obitade S Obimakinde, Akinkunmi M Akinpelu and Abimbola M Obimakinde
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Research Article
UV-Spectroscopic Methods for Estimation of Stavudine: Finding the Best Order
Kajal Ghosal
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Case Report
Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia in Wegener's Granulomatosis-Case Report
Daniel Yafit, Nakhoul N, Shajrawi I, Nakhoul F, Ben-Itzhaq O and Farber Y
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Research Article
A Simple Method for Grouping Streams in Heat Exchanger Networks Including Match Constraints
R. Sangia, B. Hosseinizadeha and M. Amidpoura
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Research Article
Evaluation of PCR using MPB64 Primers for Rapid Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis
Sharma Kusum, Modi Manish, Goyal Kapil, Sharma Aman, Ray Pallab, Sharma Shiv Kumar, Prabhakar Sudesh, Varma Subhash and Sharma Meera
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Rapid communication
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and its Associated Risk Factors in Age Group of 20 Years and above in Bikaner (Rajasthan), India
Mahendra Khatri, BL Vyas, Rekha Acharya and Gaurav Sharma
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Research Article
Perceptions and Opinions towards Cell Phone use as a Risk Factor of Brain Cancer among University Students
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar
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Research Article
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery in North Indian Population
Deepti Sachan, Nirma Gupta and Rajendra Chaudhary
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Research Article
Comparative Study of Yoga and Physical Exercises on Psychological Parameters, Hand Grip Strength and Reaction Time during Examination Stress in Young Female Medical Students
Vivek K Sharma, Ajay Kukreja, Senthi Kumar S, Sarita Kanojia and Shailesh Gupta
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Research Article
Nutritional Assessment of Rural School-Going Children (7-9 Years) of Hisar District, Haryana
Vandana Sati and Saroj Dahiya
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Research Article
Gemcitabine Plus Carboplatin in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): Results of a Phase II Study
Aly M Azmy, Khalid E Nasr, Nagy S Gobran and Yassin M
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Research Article
Assessing the Potential of Using Nylon Baxgs in Batch Analysis of Crude Fibre and Ether Extract of Livestock Feeds
Ncube S and Mpofu IDT
Research Article
Musical Attitudes and Correlations with Mental Health in a Sample of Musicians, Non-Musicians and Immigrants: A Pilot Study. Implications for Music Therapy
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi and Giovanni Del Puente
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Research Article
High Pregnancy and Implantation Rates can be Obtained with Preincubation of Oocytes before Insemination in IVF and ICSI Procedures
Javier I García, Pedro Valdivieso, Milton Zambrano and Jorge Carpio
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Research Article
Concomitant Treatment of Type 2 Diabetics with Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor and Metformin Increases Insulin Sensitivity
Abla M Ebeid, Nahla El-Ashmawy, Sahar El-Haggar, Mamdouh Gabr and Enas Arafa El-Zamarany
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Research Article
Trait EI, Customer Orientation and Service Performance
Catherine Prentice
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Review Article
Estimation of Matrix Metalloproteinases-2 Promoter Polymorphism as a Risk Factor for Oral Carcinogenesis in Indian Population
Pranali S Satpute, Hazarey VK and Ganvir SM
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Research Article
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Foam Industry Workers
Seyedtaghi Mirmohammadi
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Research Article
Anaerobic Threshold Level in Cyclic and Acyclic Sports
Gabriele Mascherini, Laura Stefani and Giorgio Galanti
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Research Article
An Experimental Study on the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Handling in Myocardium Intoxicated by Doxorubicin
Ya-chen Zhang, Min Zhang, Jian Chen, Ye-zhi Rong, Bao-jing Lu, Mei-hua Zhao and Guo-fang Huang
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Case Report
Rocuronium and Sugammadex in a Myasthenic Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Antonio Lazzari, Roberto Bini and Matteo Capocefalo
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Research Article
Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Associated with Hiv Related Patients: The Experience in Northeastern Nigeria
Saidu IA1, Bassi PU, Jaiyesimi AO, Onuwe HA, Rufa’I AA1, Maduagwu SM, Jajere AM and Utti VA
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Research Article
Fiber Optic Transillumination Imaging System and Human Body Relations
G. S. Uthayakumar and A. Sivasubramanian
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Research Article
Storage Iron Metabolism
Hiroshi Saito
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Research Article
“Agrotechnology and Food Security”- A Virtous Road towards Sustainable Development in Kenya
Maoga A, Cherus A and Ngososei J
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Research Article
Role of Mixing and Temperature on Molecular Weight Distribution of Polycaprolactone Synthesized from e-Caprolactone
Ahmad Z, Senthil Kumar A and Krishnasamy U
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Research Article
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Decrease the Proliferation of Rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) and Vero Cell Lines
Muthana Ibrahim Maleek
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