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Biochemistry Conferences

 or biological chemistry involves the study of components & composition of living things along with the chemical processes. Biochemistry has been a key to our growing understanding of a myriad of health issues; from arteriosclerosis to cancer to diabetes. The tools of biochemists have identified the gene, protein and pathway disruptions that lead to disease and, in many cases, point us to preventions, treatments or cures.

Biochemistry as the name suggests  is  the study which involves  chain of chemical reactions and processes  in living organisms. It investigates  cell interactions at  molecular level and gives an excellent insight  of  various organic processes.  Key factors contributing to the significant market growth is the advancements in analytical techniques involved with biochemistry , such as the increase in automation of biochemistry analyzers used for high-throughput analysis various biochemical process.The impact of biological research on health care has been recognized by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. The rapidly expanding fields of biochemistry and molecular biology continue to generate possibilities for new pharmaceutical products and medical practices that will have major impacts on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease. The application of biochemical and molecular understanding of cellular processes to product development is gaining interest in recent times.

provides a common platform for the business professionals for collecting interesting facts, statistics and other useful information as well as to interact with academicians, researchers and scientists working on different aspects of this field with a common purpose of influential growth and contribution towards a better world. These Biochemistry Conferences also helps to receive intelligent insights from some of the leading professionals and entrepreneurs in the industry, which can be a motivating factor for personal as well as professional growth for the students and young researchers. Students, research graduates and post-docs can present poster presentations to update their knowledge in the scientific field, and increase experience in the scientific meetings. From academic holiday, to networking, to meeting the keynote speakers for advice, to create connections with researchers of similar interests, to enjoy the extra-curricular conference program, furthermore attending these conference will be an excellent occasion to have direct contact with new devices in the research area.


 Scope and Importance:

Biochemistry deals with chemical nature, structure and functions of bio molecules. The various bio molecules are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids etc. Understanding of biochemistry is really important for students and has ramified into many branches of science like physical therapy, physician assistant, human medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy, Microbiology, Agriculture etc.  Apart from diagnosis and treatment of diseases, there are many other areas where the knowledge of biochemistry is applied for the benefit of mankind. Moreover, it is an interdisciplinary field that involves research in Biotechnology, Proteomics, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Nucleic acids, Protein engineering, Bioinformatics, Metabolomics, Structural biology and Computational Biology.

Biochemistry includes big parts of cell biology, of molecular biology, and of molecular genetics.  It helps one understand the biochemical changes and related physiological alteration in the body. Biochemistry gives an idea of the constitution of the drug and how modification in the medicinal chemistry helps improve efficiency, minimize side effects. In nutrition, biochemistry describes the optimum intake of many biochemicals like macro, micro nutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids & water is necessary. Clinical biochemistry is invaluable only because the diagnosis of any clinical condition is easily possible by biochemical estimations.

Biochemistry Global Market is expected to grow at CAGR of 4.50 % over the period 2012-2016. that has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the EMEA and APAC regions. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market. However, the negative impact of global recession could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.

Major Companies:

  • Abbott Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
  • Novartis (USA)
  • Abaxis Inc. (USA)
  • Hitachi High-Technologies Corp.
  • Medica Corp. (USA)
  • Mindray Medical International Ltd. (China)
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (USA)
  • Pfizer (USA)
  • Merck (USA)
  • Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • GlaxoSmithKline (UK)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb (USA)
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., (USA)
  • Biocrates (Austria)
  • Gilead Sciences (USA)
  • Biogen Idec, (USA)
  • Celgene, USA
  • Shire Pharmaceuticals (Ireland)
  • Genzyme Corp. (USA)
  • Human Genome Sciences Inc. (UK)

Major Societies for Biochemistry:

  • (ACBI)
  • (AACB)
  • (BBSS)
  • (SMSS)
  • (HDBMB)
  • (DSBMB)

Relevant Conferences:

January 08-11, 2018 Kingston, Jamaica

4th International (ICEBE 2018)
January 18-20, 2018 Tokyo, Japan

January 22-23, 2018 London, United Kingdom

The IRES - 323rd International (ICIET)
Jan 23-24, 2018 Mecca, Saudi Arabia

- 12th edition
January 22- February 09, 2018 Porto, Portugal

1st Alpine Winter
Jan 28-Feb 01, 2018 Austria

ISERD - 322nd International (ICRIET) 
February 04-05, 2018 Brisbane, Australia

2018 NLA
February 22-23, 2018 Texas, USA

ISER - 318th International (ICSTEM)
February 23-24, 2018 Mecca, Saudi Arabia

ICCCP 2018 8th International (ICCCP 2018)
Feb 23-25, 2018 Vietnam

March 02-05, 2018 Cancun, Mexico

5th International (ICCBS 2018)
Mar 07-09, 2018 Bucharest, Romania

GSTF CCECP - 6th Annual International (CCECP 2018)
Mar 12-13, 2018 USA

April 25-26, 2018 Dubai, UAE

9th International (ICCCE 2018)
Jul 11-13, 2018 Liverpool, United Kingdom

The International
July 16-17, 2018 Atlanta, USA

: The New Frontiers
September 09-12, 2018 Pavia, Italy

September 09-12, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal

Enzymology 2018- 4th International
September 11-12, 2018 Singapore

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