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For Authors

Guide to Authors
  1. Aims and scope of the journal
  2. Transfer Service
  3. 黑料网 Publication Fee
  4. Contact information
Aims and scope of the journal: 黑料网 Scientific Reports is an online, open access, primary research publication covering all areas of Clinical, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Chemistry and Life Sciences. Papers published by 黑料网 Scientific Reports will be technically sound, and of interest to specialists within their field. The main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere.
The scope of the journal reflects desire to ensure there is a home for all scientifically sound research in all areas of Clinical, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Chemistry and Life Sciences.
黑料网 Scientific Reports is committed to providing a streamlined service for both authors and readers. An efficient review system managed by the 黑料网 Scientific Reports Publishing team allows for rapid and trustworthy publication decisions. Prompt dissemination of accepted papers to OMICS International's wide readership and beyond is achieved through a programme of continuous online publication.
Transfer Service: Open Access is for authors individual to decide where to submit their manuscripts. For papers that could satisfy the scope of more than one OMICS International journal, the choice of which journal to submit to first lies with the authors.
If a paper is rejected from an OMICS International journal, the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer service to submit the paper to Scientific Reports.
黑料网 Publication Fee: Open Access Scientific Reports is an open access publication. 黑料网 journals do not receive any funding from subscription and solely depends on contributors. To provide this service, all charges, including peer review, and online hosting and archiving, are acquired via an article-processing charge (APC).
黑料网 Publication Fee: $500.
Contact information: For general enquiries relating to Scientific Reports, including manuscript submission queries please contact scientificreports@omicsgroup.com.
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