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Nephrology Conferences

 is that the branch of medication that deals with the kidneys and its issues. Nephrology, that conjointly engages the upkeep of kidney health and renal treatment right from diet, medication, dialysis to renal replacement therapy. Systemic conditions like polygenic disorder and autoimmune disease affects the excretory organ.

Scope and Importance:
The prevalence of chronic renal disorder is 14 % common population. Out of 661,000 renal failures in USA, 468,000 members are on dialysis. Around 193,000 individuals live with a functioning kidney transplant. Renal issues occupied 1st place in killing individuals whereas next comes prostate carcinoma and breast cancer. Roughly, 48000 United States population die with nephropathy every  year. Taking these into circumstances thought, conference series LLC is organizing medicine conference so as to professionally train and educate the future clinical academicians to cure kidney diseases. Our  are unique that intends to get together all foremost Nephrologists, Kidney translators, renal specialists, academic scientists, business magnates, research scholars and Phd students to share their knowledge and experience in the field of Nephrology.  Most up-to-date transplantation procedures, treatment protocols, diagnostic techniques, advanced qualitative analysis tools, sensible challenges area unit being mentioned in these international conferences



Nephrology Associations and Societies:






Kosovo Society of Nephrology

Portuguese Society of Nephrology

Russian Dialysis Society


International Conferences 2025-26
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