Estimation of Wave Load on Offshore Structures
*Corresponding Author: Igbomgbo Parabosi Ogilizibe, Department of Engineering, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria, Email: exponentparabosi@gmail.comReceived Date: May 05, 2020 / Published Date: Dec 28, 2022
Citation: Ogilizibe IP, Engr O, Ozeagu OE (2022) Estimation of Wave Load on Offshore Structures. Oil and Gas Res 8: 280.
Copyright: © 2022 Ogilizibe IP, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

In this study, a program that is capable of estimating environmental wave loads on offshore steel structures was developed using jquery, CSS and HTML for its front end and javascript for its back end. It carries out the analysis by incorporating existing wave load standards and codes (API, DNV and ASCE). The program was then tested to estimate wave loads on three different case studies. Case one was a 400 mm diameter steel jacket that is located in 30 m water depth with a wave height of 4 m and period of 11 sec, and the wave load result obtained from the analysis was 372 N. Case two was on a steel jacket of 3 m wave height with a period of 6 s in water depth of 12 m and the result obtained for the wave load was 1077 N. Case three was on a breaking wave with flood elevation of 7 m acting on a steel pipe jacket of diameter 1000 mm and the result of the result obtained for the wave load was 108 N. The result shows that the wave kinematics and diameter of the steel pipes is directly proportional to the wave load of a nonbreaking wave. While the flood elevation and diameter of the steel pipes is directly proportional to the wave load of a breaking wave. With this program the downtime in estimating wave load was greatly reduced by 98.7%.