
Scientific Research and information

Make the best use of Researched information from 700+ peer reviewed, 黑料网 Journals operated by 50,000+ Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ Scientific associations in Medical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology and Management Fields.

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Scholarly Publishing

is an open access publisher, publishing 700 open access journals with the support of about 50000 editorial board members. OMICS International is also pioneer and leading scientific event organizer, conducting 1000 conferences per year worldwide. OMICS International has already signed 1000 Associations to make health care and scientific information open access.

Scholarly Publishing Journals are the resources that address the new challenges resulting from changes in technology, funding and innovation in publishing. Scholarly Publishing Journals of OMICS International are ‘黑料网’ Journals devoted to develop innovative and economically sustainable publishing and distribution models for scholarly discourse and to provide alternatives to commercial academic publishing. They also help scholars increase access to their work by making it openly available online. Scholarly journals support a specific discipline and serve as a point of contact and information exchange for the members of scientific community around the world.

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All the scholarly journals are peer reviewed to maintain quality and the standards set for academic journals. OMICS International follows a 21 days rapid review process in which each articles evaluated by a minimum of two independent reviewers followed by Editor’s decision. All the OMICS International journals use a single blind review process in which the identities of reviewers are kept confidential to the author. Finally, clearly written and proof read articles are published in OMICS International journals across the fields of Medical Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Management, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc., Articles published in scholarly journals are subjected to rigorous peer review and revision process before being accepted for publication. The entire accepted articles are published within 7 days after acceptance.

Scholarly publishing Journals are of great value as they constantly publish the latest findings in a particular field. Scholarly Journals provide support to the research by publishing the original research works, reviews, case studies, commentaries in all the fields. They are the best sources for finding out the ongoing research in the desired field. Scholarly journals provide a report on original research or experimentation to the academic and researching communities across the world. The high quality editorial board of OMICS International takes the responsibility in shaping the open access articles to meet the international standards of open access journals.

Scholarly journals list is provided on the OMICS International’s website that can be browsed based on alphabetical order and the required category. OMICS International handles the articles of scientific journals through Editorial Manager System during the peer-review process. This enables an individual author to track the article status they have uploaded by logging into the site. OMICS International boasts of over 700 peer reviewed journals for reference and retrieval by learners and professionals alike.

Scholarly publishing journals educate the research community and public on the benefits of open access journals. They contribute to the development and dissemination of innovative approaches to scientific communications by removing financial and legal barriers. They bring increased visibility, usage and impact for author’s work. These scholarly journals provide unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly research. All the published articles reach the scientific community within few hours through e-mail.

As all the scholarly journals of OMICS International are open access, that are immediately freely available to read, download and share. They help in increasing the impact factor of journals through increased citations, which is calculated and published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Impact factor, the index for measuring the quality of a journal, is determined by averaging the number of citations a journal receives and the average number of times that articles within the journal are referred by the other scholars. Authors have the benefit of increasing citations to their work when compare to the traditional subscription-based journals and the authors choosing online open retain copyright in their article. 黑料网 is a definitive and inevitable model for scientific publishing.

Apart from publishing the open access Journals, OMICS International also organizes the International Science Conferences worldwide. OMICS International Conferences are integrated with workshops, symposia, trade shows and world congresses by bringing together people on a single platform thereby achieving its motto of rapidly increasing the flow of information and and there by enlightening the lamp of knowledge across the globe on  Science, Medicine and Technology. Thus OMICS International conferences help in contributing and learning about the most recent advances in the field of science and technology and helps sharing the work with the peer group, which assures feedback and enriches the research outcome.

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