The following is the list of scholars from Techno India University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Techno India University that are published in OMICS International journals.
- Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production
Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Edible Dominant Oyster (Saccostreacucullata) Inhabiting Sagar Island, West Bengal
Chakraborty S and Mitra A
Research Article : J Fisheries Livest Prod 2017, 5:238
- Advances in Crop Science and Technology
The Effect of Biofertilizers and the Effect of Vermicompost on the
Cultivation and Productivity of Maize - A Review
Debojyoti Roychowdhury, Sandhimita Mondal and Sudip Kumar Banerjee
Review Article : Adv Crop Sci Tech 2017, 5: 261
- Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
Oceanography: A Journey in Search of Root
Abhijit Mitra
Editorial : J Marine Sci Res Dev 2015, 5: e132
- Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
Signal of Climate Change through Decadal Variation of Aquatic pH in Indian Sundarbans
HK Jana, S Zaman, P Pramanick, N Mukhopadhyay, R Bose, A Mitra, Tanmay Ray Chaudhuri and AK Raha
Special Issue Article : J Marine Sci Res Development 2014, S11 003
- Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
Inter-relationship between Physico-chemical Variables and Litter Production in Mangroves of Indian Sundarbans
Rajrupa Ghosh and Kakoli Banerjee
Special Issue Article : J Marine Sci Res Development 2013, S11