Maxillofacial injuries remain a common health problem representing 20-60% of traumatized population. Though rarely fatal, it frequently results in varying degrees of disfigurement and dysfunction usually difficult to treat. This can diminish both the quality of life and productivity of affected individuals resulting in significant social and economic burdens.
The pattern of maxillofacial fractures varies in type, severity, and cause depending on the population studied, socio-economic, cultural and environmental factors. A review of the literature reveals that road traffic crashes account for majority of injuries in many parts of the world, a significant proportion of which being motorcycle related. Other causes are assaults, falls, sport-related facial trauma. Studies from some industrialized countries indicate assault as the major cause. In Nigeria, road traffic crashes remain the major etiological factor of maxillofacial injuries despite increases reported by other causes like assaults, sport injuries, and industrial accidents. Effective injury prevention efforts depends on reliable and detailed information on the incidence, causes and pattern of injury, periodic epidemiological studies are imperative.
The close association of concomitant body injuries in maxillofacial fracture is well known. Brain injuries have been described as the most commonly associated concomitant body injury with facial fractures. Maxillofacial Fractures in Owo, South Western Nigeria. A 4 Year Retrospective Review of Pattern and Treatment Outcome: Ogundipe Ok, Afolabi AO, Adebayo O
Last date updated on March, 2025