Carbon fiber is a fibrous material consisting of mostly C-atoms of about 5-12 micrometers in diameter. These carbon fibers because of their high tensile strength, high resistivity towards chemicals and temperature and light weight, nature finds immense application in aerospace, motorsports and various other engineering fields. Despite these many applications, carbon fibers are very expensive in nature as compared to their counterparts. Although carbon fiber may be comparatively pricey, it's several applications in region and automotive fields, like Formula One sport. The compound is additionally utilized in sailboats, sport shells, fashionable bicycles, and motorcycles attributable to its high strength-to-weight quantitative relation and extremely smart rigidity. Improved producing techniques area unit reducing the prices and time to manufacture, creating it progressively common in little goods further, like bound Think Pads since the 600 series, tripods, fishing rods, hockey sticks, paintball instrumentation, sport instrumentation, tent poles, racket frames, musical instrument bodies, drum shells, golf clubs, helmets used as a paragliding accent and pool/billiards/snooker cues. The material is additionally stated as plumbago-reinforced chemical compound or graphite fiber-reinforced chemical compound (GFRP is a smaller amount common, because it clashes with glass-(fiber)-reinforced polymer). In product advertisements, it's typically stated merely as plumbago fiber for brief. Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers area unit composite materials. During this case the composite consists of 2 parts; a matrix and reinforcement.
Last date updated on March, 2025