"Superoxide radicals were detected in the fungal mycelium by fluorescence microscopy based on dihydroethedium (DE) staining.Fluorescence microscopy technique was also employed for thelive/dead mycelia staining. While staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at 1% revealed all cells (live and dead), the deadcells were selectively detected by propidium iodide (PI) stain.on fungal growth as the mycelia dry weight in the treated cultures was similar to that of the control untreated cultures. On the other hand, at a 25 ppm concentration, the dry weight reduced by more than 50% indicating toxicity. In contrast, pyrene showed a 20% reduction in mycelia mass eve n at 10 ppm concentration, indicating greater sensitivity of the fungus to pyrenein comparison to phenanthrene.
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Last date updated on March, 2025