Gastric cancer is diagnosed in nearly one million individuals each year and is regarded as the second leading cause of cancer-caused
deaths in the world. Gastric cancer is an asymptomatic disease at early stages and is thus often diagnosed late. Surprisingly, the 5-year
survival rate is only 20-30%, and even for patients with early stage gastric cancer the 5-year survival rate remains only 61%. The
treatment approaches for gastric cancer include systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy, whereas these methods are limited by their side
effects and insensitivity. New approach for diagnosis and treatment are desperately needed for gastric cancer. Recently, miRNAs have been
demonstrated to play a critical role in regulating numerous metablic and cellular pathway, especially controlling cell proliferation and
apotosis underlying various cancer. Thus, we focused on the role of miRNA during the occurrence and development of gastric cancer
and provided novel insights in the field of miRNA for clinical diagnosis and therapy.
Last date updated on March, 2025