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Genetics & Molecular Biology Conferences

Genetics is the study of genes, inheritance and variation in living organisms. It is commonly considered a field of biology which intersects frequently with many of life sciences and is strongly related with the study of information systems. Genetics work in combination with an organism's experience and environment to influence behaviour and development. The extra- or intra-cellular environment of organism or a cell may switch gene record on or off. A good example is two seeds of heritably identical corn; one placed in an arid climate and one in a temperate climate. While the average height of the two corn stalks may be heritably determined to be equal, the one in the arid climate only grows to half the height of the one in the temperate weather, due to lack of nutrients and water in its environment.


Associations & Societies related to Molecular Biology:

German Resource Centre for Genome Research

Australasian Proteomics Society

Companies related to Molecular Biology:

Genetic Technologies Group, Fitzroy, Australia
, Hindmarsh, SA, Australia
, Aarhus, Denmark
, Risskov, Denmark
, Pargas, Finland
, Mulhouse, France
, Romainville, France
, Toulouse, France
, Constance, Germany
, Heidelberg, Germany
, Hungary
, Evanston, IL
, Shiga, Japan
, Seoul, Korea
Eton Bioscience, Durham, NC
, Amsterdam, Netherlands
, Wageningen, Netherlands
, Hamilton, New Zealand
, As, Norway
, Buffalo, NY
, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA
BioSpyder Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA
, Carlsbad, CA, USA
, Fremont, CA, USA
, Irvine, CA, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
, Milbrae, CA, USA
, Pleasanton, CA, USA
, Redwood City, CA, USA
, San Diego, CA, USA
, San Diego, CA, USA
Retrogen, San Diego, CA, USA
, San Diego, CA, USA
, San Diego, CA, USA
, San Francisco, CA, USA
, San Francisco, CA, USA
, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

International Conferences 2025-26
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