HIV, Human immunodeficiency Virus causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in which the virus targets the immune system and gradually the person affected with HIV is attacked by all possible viruses and bacteria etc. it can be transferred through semen, pre-ejaculate, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It is very hard to treat Hiv patient but the life can be prolonged by using medicines. Hiv patients suffer psychologically apart from physically as they are subjected to social isolation. Nurses play a very important role in treating and helping HIV patient and also help in prevention of the spread of this very harmful virus. Nurses also give mental support to HIV patient apart from helping him to withstand with the dangerous virus.Nurses ahould take of themselves in the process of helping HIV patient by following simple precautions and wearing gloves, gowns, and protective eyewear and proper disposal of needles, syringes, scalpels, and linens; and appropriate use of masks and face shields.
Last date updated on March, 2025