
Scientific Research and information

Make the best use of Researched information from 700+ peer reviewed, 黑料网 Journals operated by 50,000+ Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ Scientific associations in Medical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology and Management Fields.

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Events with over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts

Medical Conferences

Medicine is a science and practice of disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. This gigantic discipline in interconnection with health care, information technology and pharmaceutical sciences brought significant changes in modern drug discovery & development and steered the way for impending research and innovations.

are being termed as knowledge warehouses by distinguished scientific professionals and industrial executives participating every year at the events conducted across America, Europe, Middle East and Asia-pacific.

Conference Series LLC LTD organizes 3000+ Global Events with over 1000+ Symposiums and Workshops in 2020-2021 with the support of 1000+ Scientific Associations and Societies across the globe. These events mark the presence of Editorial Board members of 1000+ 黑料网 journals and eminant speakers, experts who are committed for accelerating scientific discoveries.

  • , Toronto, Canada

  • , Toronto, Canada

  • , New York, USA

  • , New York, USA

  • , Madrid, Spain

  • , Toronto, Canada

  • , Vancouver, Canada

  • , Zurich, Swaziland

  • , Toronto, Canada

  • , Vancouver, Canada

  • , Toronto, Canada

are arranged on the topics of current research like Obesity, Diabetes, HIV/STD, Vaccine development for chronic infections like H1N1 Influenza, Hepatitis, Ebola, Hematological Disorders, Cancer Therapy and Treatment, Alzheimer’s, Addiction Treatment, Endocrinal & Women’s diseases, etc. highlighting the latest research outcomes in diseases diagnosis, prevention and cure. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited from subject-wise experts, research professionals, Post Docs, PhD students for inclusion in the program. The abstracts are peer reviewed prior to their acceptance for the congress. All accepted abstracts for the conference will be published in the related OMICS International 黑料网 Journal’s special issue as Conference Proceedings. Each accepted abstract will receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) provided by CrossRef.

Best Poster Competition:
through its established and well applauded organizes Best Poster competition for talented graduate and Post-graduate students. Abstracts submitted are peer-reviewed by an expert panel before inclusion into the competition. All accepted abstracts for the competition will be published in the related OMICS International 黑料网 Journal’s as Conference Proceedings with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) provided by CrossRef. The posters accepted for the competition will be evaluated by jury where the competition winner will be awarded with a best poster certificate and memento.

Young Researcher’s Forum:
Young Researcher’s Forum sponsored by Conference Series LLC LTD medical conferences provides an exclusive opportunity for talented Young researchers to share their research in-front of broad International audience. The proceedings for abstract acceptance and evaluation will be carried out by an expert judge panel where award winners are felicitated with a recognition certificate and memento. The participants will present a short oral presentation of 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes discussion.

Through these array of competitions, young researchers and students gains an opportunity to present their ideas before eminent researchers in the field building their career besides maximizing opportunities for future research.

Live streaming sessions:
Conference Series LLC Medical Conferences, live broadcasts all the sessions and presentations held at the conference venue through YouTube and a recorded channel. Through this option, anyone across the globe with internet access can view the live presentations without participating at the conference. Scientific faculty and young researchers who are unable to participate at the conference can gain access to entire conference sessions without spending a penny from the pocket. Live streaming presentations would be one of the major outstanding benefits provided by Conference Series LLC LTD to the scientific community.

Online exposure and Page views:
Online presence occupies an unprecedented position in the present realm. Conference Series LLC LTD Medical conferences provides scientific community a grand International exposure to their research work presented at the conferences by creating webpages for the scientific data/abstract presented including the speaker profile. Each abstract page will receive 15,000-20,000 online views on an average every year where the research work gains online promotion and applause from visitors across the globe besides opening channels for future research and collaborations.

Medical Conference Exhibitions organized by Conference Series LLC LTD are best venues for B2B interactions and provides an exceptional chance for business entities to showcase their products/technologies in-front of large international gathering. The diversity in conferences provides the exhibitors a wide display choice in creating prospects for networking and market expansion.

B2B networking:
The B2B meetings organized in these Conference Series LLC LTD Medical conferences convey information, gather opinion, and generate new ideas through discussions. Networking happens between corporate entities promoting mutual collaborations and beneficial associations. These Medical events are a best platform for industrial professionals, business clusters, institutional investors, capitalists, and corporate investors granting boundless opportunities for establishing business deals and product enhancements.

-17 will be organized in all the major continents of the world including USA, UK, Europe, UAE, Australia and other Asia-pacific countries where the conference attendees can explore the attractive tourist destinations as a part of their visit besides the conference. World-class hospitality and luxurious accommodation is provided in the conference venue itself with necessary amenities and facilities where participants can find ease to attend all sessions of the conference.  The conference venues are decided in a way that multiple transportation options are available to reach the nearest airport.

At the stretch of our international cruise in elevating the scientific changes around the nook and corner of the world, Conference Series LLC LTD has strengthened its place as the iconic scientific organizer in organizing more than 3000+ Global events with Continuing Medical Education credits and avalanching further with escalating new ideologies for a more significant and intense scientific career for the coming year 2016-17.


International Conferences 2025-26
Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global

Conferences by Country

Medical & Clinical Conferences

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