Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis has become increasingly prevalent. Treatment regimens for MDR tuberculosis are longer, less effective, less tolerable, and more expensive than isstandardised short-course chemotherapy, and include the use of injectable drugs. The percentage of patients with MDR tuberculosis who are cured is estimated to be no more than 69% on the basis of results from retrospective cohort studies, even when treated for more than 18 months with directly observed treatment. This is an opportunity to investigate new drugs for tuberculosis. The member of the genus Mycobacterium are non-motile and non-sporulated rods, they have high lipid content in the wall, probably the highest among all bacteria. Lipids constitute more than half of the dry weight of the mycobacteria.However, the lipid composition of the tubercle bacillus may vary during the life cycle in culture, depending on the availability of nutrients.( ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIAL SYMBIONTS OF SOFT CORAL Sinularia sp. AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS BACTERIA-Sulistiyani)
Last date updated on March, 2025