Temporomandibular dysfunctions/disorders comprises of a complex and heterogeneous group of conditions which includes Temporomandibular joint, soft tissue structures within the joint and the muscles of mastication. TMDs are also referred to as craniomandibular disorder. It is seen that about 75% of adult population have at least one symptom associated with TMDs, and 30% have more than one symptom while 3-7% apply for treatment. There is estimation that 20-25% of the population is affected with TMDs, with female to male ratio being 3:1 to 6:1. It is more prevalent between the age group of 20-40 years [5]. Epidemiological studies have also shown that TMDs are most common in younger females of 18-45 years, which is during their reproductive age. TMDs can be divided into two categories: muscular and articular. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMDs (RDC-TMDs) have classified TMDs by a dualaxis system. Axis 1 patients are found with masticatory muscle pain with/without limitation of mouth opening, axis 11 patients are found with internal derangement of the TMJ and axis 111 patients with arthralgia, osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis. Axis 11 also assesses TMDs- related pain, parafunctional behaviours, psychological distress, and psychosocial dysfunction. The RDC-TMD classification was developed for research purpose. This classification does not include less common conditions such as myositis, contracture and myospasm and TMJ conditions such as rheumatic disease, acute trauma, hyperplasia and noeplasia.
The Short Term Effect of TheraBite® on Temporomandibular Dysfunction: A Case Study: Richa Singh, Keerthi Rao, Deepak Anap, Chandra Iyer and Subhash Khatri
Last date updated on March, 2025