Bovine Viral Diarrhea caused by BVD virus, a pestivirus, is an important respiratory, gastrointestinal, ocular, and reproductive tract disease complex of dairy cattle. Calves infected with BVD in utero may be aborted, born malformed or born apparently normal, and like calves infected as neonates, may contract diarrhea, respiratory disease, or neurologic signs. Calves infected from 60 to 120days of gestation may become Persistently Infected animals. Such PI animals are a small percentage of the dairy cattle population, often clinically normal, may survive to adulthood, shed large amounts of BVD virus from bodily secretions throughout their lives, and are the major source of infections in herdmates resulting in clinical disease, abortions, and production losses.
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Milk ELISA Test Detecting Anti-p80 Antibody – Association with Milk Handling Methods and Cow Characteristics: David J. Wilson, Kerry A. Rood and Gregory M. Goodell
Last date updated on March, 2025