The dominant weed species observed were Cyperus rotundus L., Chenopodium album L., Digera arvensis Forsk and Asphodelus tenuifolius L. Cav. Results revealed that besides weed free treatment, significantly higher plant height, number of branches/plant, number of umbels/plant, number of seeds/umbellate, test weight, seed weight per plant, and seed and stover yields of fennel were recorded with pre-emergence (PRE) application of pendimethalin at 0.90 kg/ha + post-emergence (POE) application of fenoxaprop-ethyl at 75 g/ha at 45 DAS, which was at par with pendimethalin at 0.90 kg/ha PRE + hand weeding (HW) at 45 DAS and HW twice at 15 and 45 DAS. These treatments also recorded lower weed density and dry weight of weeds along with higher net returns and B:C ratio owing to lower weed index and higher weed control efficiency. The highest depletion of weed seedbank was observed with pendimethalin.
Bhagirathsinh Sahdevsinh Gohil; Integrated weed management and dynamics of weed seedbank in rabi fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
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Last date updated on March, 2025