Since open surgical evacuation of basal ganglia hemorrhage (BGH) as had been proved did not leadto the desired benefit for the patients, we used minimally invasive clot lysis by injection of recombinant tissue-typeplasminogen activator (rtPA). Patients with spontaneous BGH with or without accompanied intraventricular hemorrhage were included in the study. Following diagnosis of BGH by CT scanning, a catheter was inserted through a small burr holeunder neuro-navigation assistance into the centre of hemorrhage and three mg rtPA was injected for three consecutive days. CT scans were performed daily to determine the volume of the hemorrhage. The size of hemorrhage was calculated using the ABCs measuring method. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a severe medical condition associated with complex neurofunctional morbidity whichaffects about 10-20 per 100,000 people every year. The level of mortality from ICH is higher compared to cerebral ischemic stroke,and the majority of deaths occur within the first days after thehemorrhage. Furthermore, an on-going prospective trial by Zan et al. isexamining the effect of endoscopic surgery compared to conventionalcraniotomy for BGH. Another recently published work by Dye et al.focused on image-guided endoscopic evacuation of ICH via afrontal burr hole through an eyebrow incision.
Niklewski F, Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage: Minimally Invasive and Neuro-Navigation Guided
Treatment by Injection of Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
Last date updated on March, 2025