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  • Mini Review   
  • Biopolymers Res 2022, Vol 6(3): 119
  • DOI: 10.4172/bsh.1000119

Exploration on Biopolymers Predicated Sodium Ion Batteries in Energy Storehouse Operations

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DU), Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: Balasubramanian, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DU), Maharashtra, India, Email: Subramanian@gmail.com

Received: 04-Jun-2022 / Manuscript No. bsh-22-68271 / Editor assigned: 06-Jun-2022 / PreQC No. bsh-22-68271 (PQ) / Reviewed: 20-Jun-2022 / QC No. bsh-22- 68271 / Revised: 23-Jun-2022 / Manuscript No. bsh-22-68271 (R) / Published Date: 30-Jun-2022 DOI: 10.4172/bsh.1000119


This review paper is concentrated on sodium ion batteries prepared with biopolymers. Among the biopolymers, Polysaccharides and the biopolymers like chitosan, cellulose, bounce, pectin and other biomaterials are important to prepare energy storehouse bias. Sodium is affordable than Lithium and utmost abundant material in the earth crust. The overview of this composition describes about biopolymers and sodium ion batteries that replace the lithium ion batteries.

Keywords: Biopolymers; Na ion batteries; Li ion batteries


Biopolymers; Na ion batteries; Li ion batteries


The development of global energy consumption is a major problem and may be answered by natural renewable energy sources and energy storehouse technologies. Currently energy can be stored by some electrochemical bias similar as battery, energy cell, super capacitor and electro- chromic bias. Above all the energy storehouse bias, batteries are the largely usable material which is made up of anode, cathode and an electrolyte membrane. Electrolyte membrane is the important material in battery operations to give better electrochemical performance. There are numerous polymer electrolytes that conduct lithium ion, magnesium ion, sodium ion and proton conducting electrolytes etc. Lithium ion rechargeable batteries are set up in substantially all movable electronic bias. It’s a lighter essence with small ionic compass and possesses veritably low redox eventuality. In 2019, two electrode lithium ion batteries have reached a global product of 316 GWh by the technology of reversible intercalation for energy storehouse bias. Lithium ion has some difficulties like limited coffers, ever adding price and some safety issues associated with running. So, currently experimenters are searching for new environmental friendly polymer membranes that conduct either sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and aluminium (Al) ions. In large scale energy storehouse systems, lithium ion batteries bear analogous volition like sodium ion batteries those are low cost energy storehouse bias having high demand because of adding growth of population. Sodium ion is largely abundant element in the earth and veritably low cost material compared to lithium. Sodium ion has suitable redox implicit-2.71 V of standard hydrogen electrode. This type of active electrode material used to give possible affair for any battery and true chemical performance. For the once many decades synthetic polymers like PEO (Polyethylene Oxide), PVdF- HFP( Poly Vinylidene Fuoride- hexa Fuoropropene), cut (Poly Ethylene Glycol) and PVA (Poly Vinyl Alcohol) etc are unravel with lithium but in the new technology development, synthetic polymers are unravel with sodium. Biodegradable polymers are fluently available in nature and further these can replace the synthetic polymers. The transnational issues like global warming, pollution, deficit of fossil energies and environmental issues are answered by biopolymers. The conflation and origin of biopolymers can be classified into three main orders. The first one refers that biopolymers are directly uprooted from biomass similar as chitosan, bounce, cellulose and carrageenan etc. The alternate bone refers the biopolymers from bio-derived monomer and the third order is the polymers attained from microorganisms bacteria. Generally, biopolymers are produced from biodegradable chemical composites and organic mixes throughout the world. This review paper is concentrated on overview of bio-based polymers and their operations in sodium ion batteries.


Lately, experimenters concentrate on biodegradable polymers those are good druthers for synthetic polymers. The energy storehouse operation using biopolymers are veritably important because of their advantages like eco-friendly, low cost, fluently degradable and renewable energy source. Bio grounded polymers are classified as following orders that’s illustrated. Biopolymers contain their unique parcels and can be fluently manufactured into asked shape. Above the bio-based polymers, polysaccharides similar as chitosan, cellulose, bounce and pectin are demanded more.


The backbone of polysaccharides is repeated units of sugar that can determine the exact saccharide. Saccharide contains nominal formula (C6H12O6). Polysaccharides are studied in energy storehouse operations due to their excellent physiochemical parcels, cornucopia, low cost and fluently renewable sources.


The alternate most abundant natural polysaccharide named as chitin which are set up in nonentity exoskeletons, fungus cell walls, shells of crustaceans similar as grouser, shrimp and crawfish. Chitin has named as chitosan in after 1894 by [1]. Chitosan can be prepared by deacetylation chitin and it consists of, 4 linked-2-deoxy2-amino glucose. In functional groups, chitosan can serve electron patron by amino and hydroxyl group. Chitosan can be uprooted by the ensuing process like demineralization, deproteinization and deacetylation. Another process to prize chitosan is microwave oven technology. This system can give chitosan in just 12 twinkles. Chitosan contains a miscellaneous distribution of acetyl groups along the chain and because of semi-crystalline morphology of chitin. The set chitosan is used for numerous operations for illustration partitions in drug and biotechnology, food packaging material and polymer electrolyte has been studied for implicit operation in electrochemical device similar as batteries. In polymer electrolyte operation, the chitosan is the first biopolymer reported in [2]. The ionic conductivity is bettered by the variety of mariners and acid do pants. The outstanding electrochemical performance with high specific capacitance and energy viscosity were reported in chitosan. In the once decades, chitosan can be unravel with lithium or ammonium grounded mariners to ameliorate the conductivity but lately sodium contains analogous or equal quantum of adding conductivity value.


Cellulose is the most abundant material that can be uprooted from factory cell walls. It has structural and cadaverous functions. It contains high molecular weight and a direct homo polysaccharide polymer consists of β- D- glucopyranose evidence joined by [3] glucosidic relation. Cellulose outgrowth has replying with three hydroxyl groups present in the an hydro glucose unit. It has numerous types which can be studied similar as methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, cellulose acetate and carboxymethyl cellulose. Mechanical robustness, hydrophilicity, biocompatibility, high sorption capacity and adjustable optic appearance are the rates of cellulose. numerous exploration reports show cellulose as host in polymer electrolyte membrane. The first solid polymeric electrolyte grounded on cellulose was reported in [4], after adding of swab it deserves the ionic conductivity of 10- 4 S/ cm. lately perfecting the possibility of result casting film by its mechanical parcels and electrical parcels will ameliorate the stability also. On literature review of cellulose unravel lithium swab gave a good ionic conductivity. An analogous or indispensable swab of lithium is sodium and is used to prepare a film with same ionic conductivity value.


Starch is one of the polysaccharides that uprooted from natural carbohydrate and it’s the end product of photosynthesis in factory. It’s a admixture of two motes direct and spiral amylose and fanned amylopectin. bounce amylose is complex with small ligands like adipose acid, alcohols and sweet composites. α- 1, 4- glycosidic bonds linked with polymer chains of amylopectin and glucose units are linked with glycosidic bonds. The biopolymer of bounce contains presence of amylose to fluently form a film with good mechanical strength, extension and also physiochemical parcels. Birth of bounce can gathered from sludge, potato, wheat, tapioca and rice etc. The bounce is a low cost biopolymer, fluently degradable, solubility in organic detergent and hot water. The first bounce grounded electrolyte reported in [5] using lithium swab and it produced high effectiveness for the electrolyte and fluently degradable. Adding colorful types of mariners, padding and plasticizer can be perfecting the ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolytes.

Sodium ion batteries

In early, 1980’s and 1990’s several electrochemical bias were assembled by sodium grounded batteries but commercially lithium grounded batteries are arrived because of its possibilities. Currently limited source of lithium ion is a debit to face the forthcoming issues of energy storehouse. So that latterly sodium ion batteries are started in the time 2010 with analogous parcels which is equal to lithium ion and also affordable material. Special benefits of sodium ion batteries which compared to lithium that’s veritably less precious aluminium current collectors can be used for both positive and negative electrode. In sodium, positive electrodes can be cycled with sodium swab electrolyte in sodium ion cells but negative electrode don’t employed in sodium ion cell because negative electrode is oxidized when discharge. The two electrodes are interacting with both to produce a true performance of stability of the electrolyte. The performance can be tested by certain parcels and the sodium ion parcels are follows as

Chemical parcels

During cell operation there’s no chemical responses including the current collectors and packaging accoutrements employed.

Thermal parcels

In operation temperature both boiling and melting points should be well outside the (internal) temperature. Properties are optimized by certain characterization like DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter), TGA (Thermo gravimetric analysis) and DTA (Differential thermal analysis).


The cell operation of ion transport and minimize of self-discharge can be attained by ionic and electrical conductivity. Above conditions are generally optimized by the electrolyte. Biopolymer electrolytes are classified as following orders, 1. Solid biopolymer electrolyte of sodium ion grounded which contains sodium swab and a biopolymer that can dissolved in water or organic detergent 2. Mix biopolymer electrolyte membranes are prepared by two polymers that can be dissolved in same detergent and a sodium swab 3. Gel biopolymer electrolyte of sodium ion which contain thick result and a sodium swab 4. Composite biopolymer electrolyte has their commerce with polymer matrix and sodium swab.

Sodium swab

For solid biopolymer electrolyte grounded sodium batteries that important bone is swab. The sodium swab has been named by the following characteristics similar as (i) chemical stability, (ii) solubility, (iii) non toxin in nature and safely affiliated aspects and electrochemical stability should be used for select type of swab for electrolyte membran. The sodium swab which are used in early stage of solid polymer electrolytes like sodium iodide (NaI), Sodium yttrium tetrafluoride (NaYF4), Sodium perchlorate ( NaClO4) and Sodium trifluoromethane sulfonate (NaTf) etc. For illustration, Na conducting ion using sodium triflate for flexible supercapacitor were reported by [6-10]. reported that iota- carrageenan with sodium iodide and it give enhance conductivity of 10-2 S/ cm for DSSC operation. In lately experimenters have attention in Na- S and Na- NiCl2 batteries because they’re aimed for consumer electronics and large scale energy storehouse operations.

Biopolymer grounded sodium batteries

Currently Na grounded ions are used in biodegradable polymers and have a great interest in ultramodern exploration of energy storehouse device. Named biopolymer grounded on sodium ion batteries are reported similar as chitosan, cellulose, bounce, carrageenan, pectin etc.


Lately, chitosan grounded biopolymer electrolyte have a great interest to ameliorate the conductivity of the electrolyte. Especially sodium swab is indispensable to the lithium ions of limited coffers and low cost. Biopolymer electrolyte can be prepared by result casting fashion. Film with Chitosan and sodium swab is prepared that can be characterized by ac impedance, XRD, FTIR and other thermal studies are optimized [11]. Prepared a sodium ion grounded biopolymer electrolyte at maximum conductivity of 1.2 × 10-4 S/ cm at room temperature [12]. Reported a film using O-nitrochitosan and sodium hydroxide as a swab which gain conductivity of 10-6 S/ cm.


Cellulose is a outgrowth which has high molecular weight and a polysaccharide material. It’s a biodegradable, biocompatible and renewable source. Cellulose has low ionic conductivity and it can be unravel with swab to raise the conductivity for battery in energy storehouse operation. Sodium mariners were named for recent exploration to volition for lithium and also give analogous conductivity for the electrolyte. For illustration [13]. Reported that sodium platitude unravel with carboxymethyl cellulose which the conductivity is 5.15 × 10-4 S/ cm [14]. Can develop a film grounded on sodium carboxymethyl cellulose with polysulphide for QDSSC and reported conductivity of 10-1 S/ cm at room temperature.


It’s a carbohydrate grounded polymer and a admixture of amylose grounded material. Starch can be fluently blended or unravel with polymers or swab to ameliorate their ionic conductivity for farther electrochemical operation. The bounce was unravel with sodium swab because it contains the glycosidic groups that can reply laboriously in the electrolyte [15]. Occasionally bounce possesses nascence glucose monomer and its flicks are analogous to characteristics of synthetic polymers like transparent and semi-permeable membrane. Many of exploration workshop are reported that bounce with sodium mariners ameliorate the conductivity analogous to lithium grounded ions.


This review paper is concentrated on biopolymer grounded sodium ion batteries in energy storehouse operations. In recent exploration, biopolymers are named because of biodegradable, fluently available, veritably affordable and less dangerous for our ecosphere. Sodium ion battery is a good volition because of limited coffers of lithium ions. The main point is that biopolymer grounded sodium ions produce analogous ionic conductivity of lithium ions and further the performance can be bettered by using padding or plasticizer.

Batteries 2019, 5, 10 13 of 15NMC Lithium-nickel-manganesecobalt- oxide (cathode active material) NMMT Sodium-nickelmanganese-magnesium-titanium-oxide (cathode active material)NMP N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (organic solvent for active material processing)PVdF Polyvinylidene fluoride (organic binder for electrode active material)SIB Sodium-ion battery.


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Citation: Balasubramanian (2022) Exploration on Biopolymers Predicated Sodium Ion Batteries in Energy Storehouse Operations. Biopolymers Res 6: 119. DOI: 10.4172/bsh.1000119

Copyright: © 2022 Balasubramanian. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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