My View on My Research
Kesic Ljiljana*
Medical faculty, Dental Clinic Department of Oral medicine and Periodontology, Ni�¡, Serbia.
- Corresponding Author:
- Kesic Ljiljana
Medical faculty
Dental Clinic Department
of Oral medicine and Periodontology
Ni�¡, Serbia
Tel: +38164 267 00 99
Received Date: November 22, 2013; Accepted Date: November 26, 2013; Published Date: November 28, 2013
Citation: Ljiljana K (2013) My View on My Research. J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci 1:102.
doi: 10.4172/2376-032X.1000102
Copyright: © 2013 Ljiljana K. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
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I enrolled Faculty of Medicine – Department of Dentistry out of
love. In fact, as a little girl I adored my dentist, so my teddy bear was
often sat on a chair as patient. I mixed flour and water in the saucers,
and put it in teddy bear's mouth as a base. I imitated dentist movements
for reparation or washing teeth. Later, when I grew up, my parents
influenced me (my mother was professor microbiologist, my father was
professor of pathology) and I loved both the scientific and educational
I got a job in 1990 as an assistant trainee at the Department of Oral
Medicine and Periodontology, and made it to full professor in 2012. All
this time I worked on the problems of patients with diabetes mellitus
– my postgraduate work and later my doctoral thesis [1,2]. The focus
of research is oral manifestations in diabetics, specific microbial flora
in periodontal pockets with significant findings of Porphyromonas
gingivalis, Bacteroides forsythus, Vellonella parvula, Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans, etc. I am thankful to my mentor Prof
dr Milenko Bačić (Dental Faculty in Zagreb), Prof dr Bernhard
Guggenheim and Prof dr Nick Gmur (Dental faculty Zurich) for their
immense help.
My doctoral thesis was concerned with patohistological,
microbiological and cytological investigations in periodontal pockets of
diabetic patients. One of the most important finding was identification
of fibroclast in gingival diabetic tissue.
With master and PhD students I continued research related to
diabetes mellitus [3-9], the connection between periodontal disease
and cardiologic disease [10], as well as microorganisms in gingival and
periodontal diseases [11-17], usage of low level lasers and hyaluronic
acid [18-24]. These were mainly interdisciplinary research dealing with
potential therapeutic modalities in different patient groups.
A large part of work is related to clinical cases in oral medicine. I
would like to single out Oral Lichen Planus [25,26], oral hygiene and
future investigations connected with oral hygiene in drug addicts,
prisoners, pregnant women, Romani children, etc. The cooperation
with undergraduate students led me to organize the education of
educators which was done through lectures in the relevant field of
oral medicine or periodontology and intended for a specific group of
I am particularly proud of the Serbian Oral Lasers Application
Society (SOLAS). Namely I was initiator and proponent of the use of
lasers in dentistry. I was member of Scientific Comitee of Laser therapy
Congress 21-23.9.2006 on Rhodos, 2007 in Bridge, 2010 in Wienna and
2011 in Istanbul.
The result were some large studies-MSc and PhD theses related to
the use of lasers (where I was a mentor) [27-30], as well as usage of
lasers in treatment of hypersensitive dentine [31,32], mouth burning
syndrome [33], after root resection34, diabetic periodontal disease
[6,8,9], common therapy with lasers and bone substitutes [35-37].
Some interesting clinical cases were presented in articles [38-43].
Work with young people is creative and very exciting. I like to
participate in student congresses. The article entitled ‘Comparative
analysis of different therapeutic procedures in the treatment of gingivitis’ by author Vukašin Voštinić, and me as mentor, was ranked
third at the International Student Congress in Moscow 2010.
I participated in practice and theoretic lessons, as well as
examinations for Italian students in International Study Center in
Lugano, Switzerland, which was a wonderful experience.
Future interdisciplinary investigations concern the periodontal
disease and its therapy – using lasers, phytotherapy at different patient
groups. Particular attention is given to preventive program, oral
hygiene and patient motivation with the aim of promoting the oral
- Penev Lj (Kesic Lj) (1986) Investigation of specific microbial flora in parodontal pockets of diabetic patients I-II. Dental faculty Zagreb, Croatia, MSc theses.
- Kesic Lj (1997) Parallel analysis of changes in parodontal pockets of diabetics I-II. Medical faculty Ni�¡, PhD theses.
- Kesic L, Petrovic D, Obradovic R, Ga�¡ic J, Kosta T (2009)
- Kesic LjG, Radovic S, Dedic A, Avdic M, Obradovic R R (2011) The influence of HbA1c level on gingival inflammation and periodontal therapy among diabetic patients. Health med 5: 200-204.
- Obradovic R, Kesic Lj, Pejcic A, Petrovic M, �½ivkovic N, �½ivkovic D (2011) Diabetes mellitus and oral candidosis. Acta Stomatologica Naissi27: 1025-1034.
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- Pejcic A, Kesic LJ, Milasin J (2011)
- Kesic Lj, Mila�¡in J, Igic M, Obradovic R (2008)
- Igic M, Kesic Lj, Mila�¡in J, Apostolovic M, Kostadinovic Lj, et al. (2009) The Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans Among Children with Gingivitis Before and After Low Level Laser Therapy. J Oral Laser Appl 9: 141.
- Igic M, Kesic Lj, Mila�¡in J, Apostolovic M, Kostadinovic Lj (2009) The Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Among the Children with Gingivitis. Int J Pediatric dentistry 1:19.
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- Bojovic M. Investigation of low level laser therapy efficiency in treatment of aphtous ulceration and Herpes labialis, MSc theses.
- Obradovic R, Kesic Lj, Pejcic A (2007) Low level laser therapy of dentine hypersensitivity: A review. Facta Universitatis 14: 15-18.
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