The Hidden Therapies in Cancer Cure
Received: 11-May-2018 / Accepted Date: 25-Jun-2018 / Published Date: 29-May-2018
According to modern definitions given by National Cancer, cancer is the name given to a group of collective relative diseases where cells divide without stop which may be because of unfavorable genetic mutations and energy imbalances occurring inside the cell. As per the American cancer society, 22,240 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed and 14,070 ovarian cancer deaths in the US were identified in 2018. Every year this number is increasing but not decreasing even though billions of rupees spent by government to treat this cancer. The chemotherapy, radiotherapy and drug discovery are big fail in the treatment of cancer. This may be due to wrong understand about the definition and cause of cancer by modern sciences and pharmaceutical companies. The mistake is forgetting the cure by nature and making this main therapy called natural healing to alternative therapy. Hence to cure cancer, we have look back on our main system of healing known as holistic healing in order to put back the energy constitution and rejuvenation theories in to the cancer cells to make them to behave as normal natural cells. This current manuscript focuses on the possible holistic approaches to prevent and heal cancer. Some of these energy reconstitution therapies are food therapy, crystal therapy, chlorophyllin therapy, Acupressure, yoga and Alternative medicines.
Keywords: Alternative therapy; Cancer; reconstitution therapies; crystal therapy
Cancer in view of Traditional Ayurvedic Concept
As per Vedic scriptures, the cancer is not a single disease but a group of chronic disorders related to unattended disturbances in dhatus (body tissues) and dosha (basic body constituents). This is known as tumor or non healing ulcer as per modern definitions and in some cases it is known as cancer. The cause of group of diseases in cancer as per Ayurveda is due to tiryak gati of dosha. This means that the body constituents have been displaced from original balance and are responsible for causing disturbances in body tissues and expressing unnecessary disease symptoms. This makes a huge difference in understanding cancer by the modern sciences and Vedic sciences.
The Ayurveda regimen therapy always emphasizes on the prevention of cause, this is possible by change in ahara (daily food habits), Vichara (Psychological well being), shodana (detoxification), shaman (rebalancing the disturbed energies) and rasayana (rejuvenation) [1].
Energy reconstitution therapies in treatment of cancer
Food therapy: These are known as super foods and cancer fighting foods;
a) Eruca sativa
Family name: Brassicaceae [2].
Phytochemical constituents: Alkaloids, Cardiac glycosides, Flavonoids, Phenolics, Ascorbicacid, Saponins and Tannins [3], kaempferol, Rhamnocitrin, Erucin [4]
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g
1. Calories: 25 K. calories, 2. Total Fat: 1 g, 3. Sodium: 27 mg, 4. Potassium: 369 mg,
Carbohydrates: 4 g, Dietary fibre: 2 g, Sugars: 2 g , Protein : 2 g , Vitamin A: 47 %, Vitamin C : 25%, Calcium : 16%, Iron : 8% [5].
Modern molecular dynamics: Inhibits Proliferation of MCF7 Tumor Cells by Suppressing Microtubule Dynamics [6].
b) Lactuca sativa
Family name: Asteraceae
Phytochemical constituents: β-carotene, lutein, lactucaxanthin, violaxanthin and neoxanthin [7].
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g
1. Fats: 0.22 g, 2. Dietary fiber: 1.1 g , 3. Protein: 1.35 g , 4. carotenes: 1987 μg, 5. vitamin C: 3.7 mg, 6. calcium : 35 mg, 7. Water: 95.63 g [8].
Modern molecular dynamics: Not clear
c) Beta vulgaris
Family: Amaranthaceae
Phytochemical constituents: alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones, saponins, volatile oils, cyanogenic glycosides, coumarins, sterols and triterpenes [9]. The leaf juice consists of 24 phenolics and 15 flavanoids [10].
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 136 g
Consuming 136 gram of beetroot offers 148 μg of Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic acid), 0.447 mg of Manganese, 1.09 mg of Iron, 0.102 mg of Copper, 13 g of Carbohydrate, 3.8 g of Total dietary Fiber, 442 mg of Potassium, 54 mg of Phosphorus, 6.7 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) [11].
Molecular Dynamics: Not clear.
d) Spinacia oleracea
Family: Amaranthaceae
Phytochemical constituents: Flavanoids, spinacetin 3-O-β-dglucopyranosyl( 1 → 6)-[β-d-apiofuranosyl(1 → 2)]-β-d-glucopyranoside [12].
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g
Energy: 23 k cal, Carbohydrates: 3.63 g, Protein: 2.86 g, Dietary fiber: 2.26 g, folates: 194 μg, niacin: 0.72 mg, vitamin A: 9377 μg, sodium: 79 mg, potassium: 558 mg, calcium: 99 mgLutein-zeaxanthin: 12198 μg [13].
Molecular Dynamics: Not clear.
e) Brassica oleracea
Family: Brassicaceae
Phytochemical constituents: Sulforaphane , carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthi[14]
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g
Raw kale is composed of 84% water, 9% carbohydrates, 4% protein, and 1% fat, Energy: 49 calories. 20% of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese. Kale is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E and several dietary minerals, includingiron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus [15].
Molecular Dynamics: Not clear.
f) Petroselinum crispum
Family: Apiaceae
Phytochemical constituents: myristicin/β-phellandrene, 1,3,8-p-menthatriene/β-phellandrene, apiole/β-phellandrene and Apigenin [16].
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g 22 calories; 1.78 grams (g) of protein; 0.47 g of fat; 3.8 g of carbohydrate; 2 g of fiber; 0.51 g of sugar. The same quantity of parsley provides 984 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K, as well as 79.8 mcg of vitamin C, and 5,054 international units (IU) of vitamin A [17].
Molecular Dynamics: May be stimulation of tumor necrotic factor (TNF) by apigenin present in parsely leaves [18].
g) Arthrospira platensis
Family: Phormidiaceae
Phytochemical constituents: Sulphoquinovosyl diacyl glycerol, Methyl gamma linolenate, Phycocyanins [19,20].
Nutritional values: The values mentioned are per 100 g.
Energy: 1,213 k cal, Carbohydrates: 23.9 g, fat: 7.7 g, Protein: 57.47 g, Vitamin A: 29.7 μg, Thiamine : 2.38 mg, Niacin ; 12.38 mg, folate : 95 μg, Calcium: 120 mg, Iron : 28.5 mg; Magnesium: 195 mg, Manganese: 1.9 mg, Phosphorous: 118 mg, Potassium: 1363 mg [21].
Molecular Dynamics: The Cell cycle analysis showed that Phycocyanins causes arrest in G1 which may be attributed to decrease in mRNA levels of Cyclin E and CDK-2 and increase in p21 levels [22].
Crystal therapy: Even though scientific evidences are not available, many claims are available over web that cancer can be heal through crystal therapy and some of the crystals useful in treatment of cancer were tabulated in the following Table 1.
S.NO | Name of crystal | Composition | Method to use | Used in Type of cancer |
1 | Rose Quartz | Silicates | Wearing or massaging will give recovery from pain | Breast cancer |
2 | Hematite | Fe2O3/ Iron oxides | Programming and keeping on third eye | Brain cancer |
3 | Amethyst | Silicon dioxides | In the form of ring made up of black gold | Lung cancer |
4 | Howlite | Borosilicate of calcium | In the form of bracelets or pendants | Bone cancer |
5 | Carnelian | Silicates and Iron oxides | As pendant rejuvenates lymph nodes | Kidney cancer |
6 | Garnet | An ore of calcium, magnesium, Iron and manganese | By rubbing with 5 stoned garnet ring on the veins. | Blood cancer |
7 | Red aventurine | Silicates | Wearing in the form of pendant or having its water soaked infusions | Colon cancer |
8 | Amber | hydrocarbon | Rubbing the liver area with this crystal regenerates the cells. | Liver cancer |
9 | Smoky Quartz | Silicon dioxides | By keeping as pendant releases all the negative energies and blockages to heal the ovarian cells | Ovarian cancer |
10 | Neon apatite | Calcium phosphates | As a geode on the skin , detoxifies the skin pores | Skin cancer |
Table 1: Crystal therapy in cancer treatment
Chlorophyllin therapy: Even though scientific evidences are not available, many claims are available over web that cancer can be heal through crystal therapy and some of the crystals useful in treatment of cancer were tabulated in the following Table 1. It is defined as a semisynthetic mixture of water-soluble sodium copper salts derived from chlorophyll. However it is a water soluble form of chlorophyll that exists in green plants in form of its copper salts. The USFDA published the monograph of chlorophyllin very recently. Some of the researchers claimed that chlorophyllin proved significant antimutagenic activity in various stress conditions like smoking etc., proved to be more efficacious than vitamin, carotenoids and ergosterols etc., however the clinical status and molecular dynamics have to be proved [23].
Acupressure/Acupuncture: Even though scientific evidences are not available, many claims are available over web that cancer can be heal through crystal therapy and some of the crystals useful in treatment of cancer were tabulated in the following Table 1. It is defined as a semisynthetic mixture of water-soluble sodium copper salts derived from chlorophyll. However it is a water soluble form of chlorophyll that exists in green plants in form of its copper salts. The USFDA published the monograph of chlorophyllin very recently. Some of the researchers claimed that chlorophyllin proved significant antimutagenic activity in various stress conditions like smoking etc., proved to be more efficacious than vitamin, carotenoids and ergosterols etc; however the clinical status and molecular dynamics have to be proved [24]. It is a major type of alternative therapy where the entire cancer globe has to look back on this therapy to heal. It is the first energy reconstitution therapy that put backs the energy disturbances in the system in to a harmony or balance through removing the blockages with the help of pinching at particular points to clear the flow of energy in all the cells, the Next type is acupressure where the experts removes the blockages of the energies by doing special massage to the foot with certain type of aromatic oils, so that the energy constitution of the cells will setback in to harmony. Even though many people expressing their positive feedback, still scientific evidences are missing [25].
Yoga: It is an ancient Vedic system of healing that balances the energy blockages with the help of certain postures known as mudras. These are nothing but the systemic postures of the body. As per this therapy the main thing happening in cancer individual is depletion of energy or prana. In cancer the patients cells will be deplete of ojas. Hence this therapy stimulates the tissues to produce the ojas, which is an essential for all tissue balance. Mudra works both at subtle level and physiological level. This removes the blockages in the intra cellular and extra cellular communications which facilitates the draining of the toxins and the metabolic wastes in order to improve the blood circulation and cell rejuvenation and set back the body cells or tissues in to its original setup of internal and external energy. The main type of mudras that required in cancer treatment are vayu mudra, sparsha mudra, Garuda mudra and prana mudras. These mudras help in removing the toxins, stress and anxiety from the individual [26].
Alternative therapies: The main formulation useful in the treatment of cancers are bhasmas. These are the metallic incinerated ashes which are free from toxicity but having much subtle healing approach, infact these are the first invalidated traditional nano particles that exists long back in vedic scriptures called Ayurveda. Even the clinical studies proved that when colorectal cancer patients treated with tanga bhasma (A gold ashes) for 1 year, nearly 41.02% people were survived [27]. The other bhasmas that clinically prove to treat cancer are valipani, Amar [28], Heerak bhasma (Diamond ashes [29]).
Some of these plants, crystals, stated above are represented below in the Figure 1 for easy identification for the readers.
The present editorial review focuses on the importance of neglected or hidden alternative therapies in the treatment of cancer which can be understand by common man for treating cancer. The subtle understanding of the cancer is not properly understood by modern sciences and hence the modern therapy is failed to put back the energy constitution phenomenon in cancer treatment, The modern drugs or the synthetic drugs cant able to treat any type of cancer till date because all these chemicals or drugs may act as mutagens in long term use that’s why on long term usage the cancer cells becoming resistant to these chemical substances. These synthetics/ radiations don’t have capability to bring the cells to its original balance. This is possible only by the alternative therapies and change in life style, however the clinical significance of these therapies should be prove and the researchers have to think in new dimension to treat cancer using these hidden therapies.
The authors expressing their sincere thanks to the management of Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana state India and Dr. P. Suresh, Principal, School of Pharmacy, GNITC, Hyderabad for providing a peaceful environment to draft this review.
Competing interests
The author doesn’t have any competing interest.
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Citation: Chaitanya MVNL (2018) The Hidden Therapies in Cancer Cure. J Phytochemistry Biochem 2: 110.
Copyright: © 2018 Chaitanya MVNL. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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