Adaptive Reuse: An Innovative Approach for Future Built Environment
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Copyright: © 2021 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Adapting existing structures to new functional space is not a fresh trend. The adaptive reuse strategy was created as quickly as the beginning of the 19th century. The need for different kinds of buildings decreases as time changes. An adaptive reuse as it reaffirms their existence in the neighborhood is one of the necessary lifelines for such buildings. This contributes to the urban fabric a smaller building and has less adverse impact on the environment. Adaptive reuse is based on the assumption that the purpose of spaces is restructured, mostly in order to meet the current requirements of society. Throughout the globe, adaptive reuse initiatives have provided fresh life to structures and the building's identity is being transformed, it still maintains its integrity. This paper will explore strategies to a conservative adaptive reuse practice of how traditional mansions/villas are being converted to commercial retail space that not only complements but challenges and reveals the history of the structure and its architectural design style by maintaining the character and spirit of the place. The importance of this research study lies in the fact that these preservation methods and techniques of restoration can be used as a guide for other similar projects in the district where these mansions are in abundance, thereby facilitating a sustainable conservation method. Through case study examples, the adaptive reuse approach will be framed and tested.