Amazing Limits of Nanotech: Exploring the Absolute Infinite
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Upon further investigation, all elements described herein have been at least designed, created and/or assembled; Thus, the only element that hasn’t been made in some aspect is really the binder to bring them all together into one package. Should that reality arise without proper safeguards in place, the ultimate result in comparison to Chernobyl would be apples to oranges. The authority is not under account that either outcome is possible, and the alternate is far grander. Going to the Moon was something. Going inside the moon would be quite another. Drones are great, but create something on the Nano scale that can miniaturize large objects and ship them at FTL speed. A desire to achieve is the only thing that inhibits Nanoscience growth. The positive and the negative, the good and the bad, light and dark, all dialectics come down to the same thing: a choice. Hope, Faith and Love are the three forgotten elements that make up the holder of the binder, entangling. As the World is beginning to understand that fact, perhaps an example: Summer, Fall, Spring, Winter = The 4 Seasons, however, if there is another 4 Seasons, say, a proper space existing in space time, would there not be a total of 8 Seasons, and further, why would we have even called them the 4 Seasons to begin with that in this sense. This is because by simply invoking the idea of THE 4 Seasons, versus the 4 Seasons, you would have already dialed up the thoughts in your head for both, hence 8 seasons. So why in fact then would our brain give us a lie rather than the truth? The emerging field of Nanoscience is progressing at a very steady pace, so it would seem. In a field where the biggest change is the smaller something can essentially be controlled at, unique challenges present many more results e.g. Creating a car at the molecular level for the first time, causing the assembler to malfunction. Seeing this on a smaller scale, could cost less and be more efficient in some way or another, implementing these things at the more grander spaces.