An Over View of Smart-Phone in The Ring of Big Neo Five Factors of Personality
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The technology in today’s time is growing like weed in our society. As, this unwanted plant grows everywhere rapidly, exactly in the same way, technology has grown and has undertaken almost all areas of human life. Be it professional, personal or the personality of an individual, technology has shaped our mind and behaviour. The handy technology and easy gratification from social networking sites and software has persuaded our thoughts and concept without our conscious awareness. Thus, in the present research paper, researchers have focused on the most common technology of time – smart-phone and its pros and cons with respect to personality. The concept of personality is not new in psychology, rather it is one of the oldest phenomena know to psychologist. Personality has been defined in numerous ways by various psychologists and philosophers in all ages. One of the oldest and widely accepted definitions of personality is given by Gordon Allport in 1937. According to him, “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to the environment.” Similarly, one of the most comprehensive theories of personality is Five-Factor Model of Personality given by Robert McCrae and Paul Costa in 1978. Therefore, in the present paper, researchers will focus on big five dimensions of personality with reference to smart-phone. This paper incorporates the changes and reason behind those changes which were considered while describing personality after smart-phone. Thus, this paper is an attempt to understand personality and its dimensions in broader spectrum in today’s scenario