BJRI Tossa Pat-7 (MG-1): A high yielding Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) variety in Bangladesh
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Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) released an improved high yielding tossa jute variety namely “BJRI Tossa Pat-7 (MG-1) in 2017 for commercial production of golden fiber contributing to national economy. It was evaluated for high yielding capacity during 2013 to 2018 with two pre-released varieties i.e. OM-1 for phonological and BJRI Tossa Pat-5 or O-795 for yield comparisons through field evaluation and lab study. The newly developed tossa jute variety i.e. BJRI Tossa Pat-7 (MG-1) was expected to perform better than existing varieties or controls in respect of fiber yield and quality. MG-1 was developed from OM-1 through pure line selection, where both plants were full green but OM-1 has glossy ovate leaves, greyish brown seeds; and MG-1 has ovate lanceolate leaves, bluish green seeds. MG-1 showed lower leaf angle (67.50°), higher leaf length breadth ratio (2.33), lower geen leaf biomass (0.97g), higher inter-nodal length (5.0cm) than OM-1 & O-795 indicating the possibility of maximum photosynthesis and fiber production in MG-1 than controls. MG-1 gave higher and increased plant height (5.52%, 4.94%), base diameter (8.68%, 9.40) %, fiber yield (7.51%, 6.21%) than O-795 at research stations and farmers’ fields, respectively. The higher fiber yield for MG-1 (3.92 t ha-1) and O-795 (3.67 t ha-1) were found at farmer’s field of Monirampur and Rangpur. MG-1 gave higher fiber content than O-795 at 20 & 30 March sowing times. Significant associations were found for plant height, base diameter (r=0.86*); plant population, fiber yield (r=0.60*). The fiber strength, lusture, fineness, brightness and breaking twist for quality fiber were accounted for MG-1 than O-795. The stem anatomy of MG-1 gave maximum fiber bundle than O-795 & OM-1. MG-1 will be recommended for fiber production commercially in all agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh to benefit the farmers and national economy.