Characterization of Contaminated Abattoir Soil in Swali Market Bayelsa State
*Corresponding Author:Received Date: May 01, 2024 / Published Date: May 27, 2024
Copyright: © 2024 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

The waste effluents and waste from abattoirs have been documented to have harmful effects on the soil media, which causes threat to the living organisms and its surrounding, hence the need to characterize the contaminated abattoir soil in Swali market. Soil samples were characterized for possible contamination of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals. Six (6) soil samples were collected for six weeks at different points radially, the control was from a well of 160m from the abattoir, remaining five (5) samples were collected from different points which are 2m away from the abattoir with the depth of 0.5m and 2m apart in cyclic. The soil samples were taking to the laboratory for digestion, and the analysis. The physicochemical parameters result showed that; pH (3.8-6.3), conductivity (56-462) µ, temperature (29) OC, TDS (38-332) ppm, SO4 (343.32-2403.24) mg/l, HCO3 (0.2-8.05) mm/l, D.O (5.1-6.3) mm/l, B.O.D (0.1-0.2) mm/l, Alk (75-250) mg/l, Acidity (50-755), while the result of heavy metals indicated; Pb (0.39-0.73) mg/l, Cr (0.06-0.113) mg/l, Mg (1.22-1.79) mg/l, Co (0.25-0.92) mg/l, Co (0.25-0.92) mg/l and Fe (2.13-8.45) mg/l/. The results were compared with FEPA and WHO standards and validated with ANOVA using Python 3.6 version and SPSS software of version 20 in other to compare the values of p and r2 using different statistical models. The coefficient of determination r2 ranges between (0.928125-0.996132) percent which is significant, therefore the soil around the abattoir has been adjudged to have high level of heavy metals contamination, showing the soil is polluted and did not conform to standards.