Clinical Nutrition 2020: The effects of green coffee extract supplementation on body weight, lipid profile and adipocytokines in healthy overweight adults in Saudi Arabia- Fatimah Mohammed Ali Yousef- King Abdulaziz University
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Abnormal excess of fat accumulation in adipose tissue is considered as overweight with Body Mass Index (BMI) from 25 to 29.9 Kg/m2, which cues adversely affect. Overweight is a risk factor for many diseases such as some cancers including (endometria, breast, liver and colon), type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis. Overweight is considering a global world problem as estimated by world health organization (WHO). According WHO, in 2016 more than 1.9 billion of adults (40% of women and 39% of men) were overweight. In Arabian Gulf such as Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia there were high rates of overweight and obesity among adult (75-88% women, 70-85% men). Additionally, Saudi Arabia has one of the highest overweight prevalence rates among them. A clinical-based study in AL Khobar showed prevalence overweight and obesity among female aged 18-74 years was 65.4%. Similar result has been reported from Jeddah and Riyadh. Study conducted in south-western of Saudi Arabia at female university students, showed that the overweight and obesity among students was 23.8%. However, other study done in Jeddah and Qassim University in Saudi Arabia the prevalence of overweight was 29.8% and 21.8% in male students, respectively. Because of increasing the prevalence of overweight among adults in Saudi Arabia, there is an urgent need to work on reducing weight. So, our study aimed to investigate the effect of green coffee extract supplementation on body weight, lipid profile and adipocytokines among healthy overweight adults in Saudi Arabia for 22 weeks.
Introduction: Weight management is an established goal for achieving a healthy life style, and it involves a balance between healthy eating and physical activity.1 Overweight refers to an increased body weight in relation to height, compared with certain standards of acceptable or desirable weight. Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass. Obesity and overweight are chronic conditions and contribute to many preventable illnesses (e.g., diabetes, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure).2 According to World Health Organisation predictions for 2015, 3.2 billion adults were predicted to be overweight and more than 700 million were predicted to be obese.3 Obesity, a public health problem worldwide, has reached epidemic proportions at an alarming rate.1 In the United States, obesity has increased at an epidemic rate during the past 20 years. Overweight, obesity, and associated health problems have engendered a marked economic effect on the healthcare system worldwide. Poor diet and a lack of physical activity are common causes of obesity. Due to the complications of obesity, different treatment strategies have been used for addressing it. Behavioural therapy, diet, drug therapies and surgery are the most frequently used therapeutic strategies for obesity. Recently, many people have had a tendency to use nutraceuticals to lose weight. A nutraceutical is any substance that is a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including disease prevention and treatment. Therapeutic agents and food supplements are developed to treat and prevent obesity. Among these, coffee, one of the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide, and its health effects, are related to its high consumption. Roasted coffee is a common form of coffee, and its beneficial effects can be particularly attributed to its caffeine content. However, the use of green coffee or unroasted coffee is rather uncommon. Raw coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid (CGA; 2–5 g/100 g), and related compounds, such as quinic acid, p-coumaric acid, and caffeic acid. Coffee is rapidly absorbed and reaches its peak plasma concentration within 1h. Approximately one-third of CGA is orally absorbed and is typically found in the form of sulphates from caffeic acid or its glucuronide conjugates in plasma.
Results and Discussion:
We observed no significant differences between the two groups in anthropometric and biomedical measurements, energy intake, and physical activity levels in the beginning of the study. The mean ages of the intervention and control groups were 36.1 and 35.7 years, respectively. The study shows some demographic and anthropometric characteristics of the participants at the baseline and the end of the study. Statistical analysis showed that after eight weeks, the weight, BMI, FMI, and WHR significantly decreased in both groups, however, the decrease was more prominent in the intervention group. No significant change was observed in visceral fat in the beginning and at the end of the study. Moreover, a comparison of the two groups showed a significant change in the body composition. The intervention group showed a significant reduction in weight, BMI, FMI, and WHR, and the changes after adjustments for energy and fibre intake and physical activity levels were significant; p values for the weight, BMI, FMI, and WHR were 0.03, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.01, respectively. In the dietary intake in the beginning, during, and at the end of the study in both groups. No difference was observed in the dietary intake between the two groups, except for fibre intake. Studies related to the effect of GCBE on body composition have reported inconsistent results,18,22,28 and hence, we evaluated the synergistic effect of an energy-restricted diet and GCBE on body composition. Only a few human studies have analysed the effects of ingestion of green coffee extract. Samadi et al (2015) conducted a review and used GCBE as a weight loss supplement, and most of its weight loss properties were proposed to be related to its CGA content.22 Vinson et al (2012) reported a weight loss of more than 8kg after the consumption of 700 mg of GCBE for six weeks, which was more than 10% of the body weight. The study concluded that GCBE is a low-cost source and an effective therapy for obese people. However, in the current study, we observed a weight loss of 5 kg, a 2-unit drop in the FMI, and a 4-unit drop in the BMI in the intervention group. A meta-analysis of three human studies concluded a mean weight loss of 2.5 kg after the consumption of green coffee extract (180–200 mg GCBE per day).