Conversion of Municipal Solid Waste To Green Energy: A Paramount Concern Of The World
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The exponential growth of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) along with its environmental impact is one of the most critical problems that large cities in developing countries face now-a-days. Solid Waste management in developing countries is characterized by highly inefficient waste collection practices, variable and inadequate levels of service due to limited resources, lack of environmental control systems, indiscriminate dumping, littering and scavenging and, most of all, poor environmental and waste awareness of the general public. In most urban areas in emerging/developing countries, solid waste management costs consume between 20% and 50% of municipal revenues. They need to run Municipalities, Puorashava and City Corporation Turning Municipal waste to energy is the best solution for waste management and waste can be turned into a valuable resource in this way. Waste Technology Limited is producing diesel and gas from solid waste