Coronavirus Infection and Diabetes Mellitus Pathogenesis
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Coronavirus infection is a group of virus infection that can aوٴHct human health. НHrH are many new emerging coronavirus infections such as SARS CoV, MERS CoV and COVID-19 infection. Most of these infections cause respiratory disease. НH others HوٴHcts of coronavirus on human health are interesting. НH coronavirus infection might also be associated with pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. НHrH are few evidences on his issue. TK9, a nine-residue peptide of the extra membrane C-terminal tail of the SARS corona virus envelop is a spHcLfic bio substance that can inhibits the fibrLOOatLon of hIAPP, a 37 amino acid peptide which plays important role in the pathology of type-II diabetes [1]. Another report by Yang et al. also noted that binding of SARS coronavirus to its receptor result in destroyment of islets in pancreas and could result in acute diabetes [2]. НH complex interrelationship between coronavirus and pathogenesis of diabetes is an important issue for further studies in clinical diabetology