Correlation Analysis for Agronomic and Fiber Quality Traits of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Genotypes under Irrigated Condition of Ethiopia
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Cotton breeders have faced the challenge of simultaneously improving yield and fiber quality traits. However, seed cotton yield must at least be maintained when improving fiber quality for a cultivar to remain competitive. The research work pertaining to the study of mean performance and correlation for agronomic and fiber quality traits during 2016 to 2018 at Werer Agricultural Research Center and Nasa-farm using RCBD with three replication among 12 cotton genotypes and 3 cotton checks variety. Analysis of variance manifested highly significant differences among the genotypes for all agronomic and fiber quality traits except average bolls weight and plant height. Genetic potential of fifteen cotton genotypes for different agronomic and quality traits were recorded. Highest mean value for seed cotton yield were registered for genotypes Chamo Farm no 1A1-1DP-90 F1#307(5.28 t ha-1) followed by genotypes Farm no Ago1 DP-90 F1#337(5.22 t ha-1) and Weyto Farm no M1 DP-90 F1#376(5.05 t ha-1) with good ginning outturn, fiber length and fiber strength. Phenotypic correlation of seed cotton yield and lint yield with other traits was found positive for majority of traits except fiber strength and fiber length that negatively correlated. Yield traits showed positive and significant genotypic correlations to ginning outturn and micronaire. It was also evident that the higher magnitude of genotypic correlation coefficients over phenotypic correlation coefficients of seed cotton yield with ginning outturn and micronaire as the result suggested that indirect selection of agronomic traits may be used to increase seed cotton yield.