Current synopsis: The source: cannabinoids
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To manage a diagnosis of TSC one must broaden the scope of germ theory. Focusing on individual manifestations without overall integration and oversight of all specialists treating requires solid supports and intricate case management overtime to gain any measure of stability, minimize the impact of manifestations and maintain overall health. Quality of life is significantly strained and diminished over time in many cases as support networks become more siloed, with all communication between providers implemented by a caregiver. Medications are prescribed by multiple parties with little long-term oversight of cumulative side effects and interactions over time. One must become subservient to the healthcare systems inclusive of behavioural and mental health services, as well as educational settings. The assumption that the professionals from whom we are seeking treatment and support know more about the condition and therefore the key to case management is wrangling experts in specialities and seeking to integrate the most progressive research and treatments, all while holding on to intense patient history and respectfully bow to the top-heavy power structure of modern medicine to guide. There is less of a top-heavy power structure and the use of cannabinoid medicine requires much patient involvement and education so eventually, it is managed solely by the individual.