Editorial Note on Oral Cancer
*Corresponding Author: Mohammadreza Khanmohammadi, Department of Chemistry, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran, Email: mohammad.k@gmail.com
Citation: Khanmohammadi M (2021) Editorial Note on Oral Cancer. J Cancer Diagn 5: 130
Copyright: © 2021 Hans M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Oral malignancy, otherwise called mouth disease, is disease of the covering of the lips, mouth, or upper throat. In the mouth, it most regularly begins as an effortless white fix, that thickens, creates red fixes, a ulcer, and keeps on developing. When on the lips, it ordinarily seems as though a tenacious crusting ulcer that doesn't mend, and gradually develops. Different manifestations may incorporate troublesome or difficult gulping, new knots or knocks in the neck, an expanding in the mouth, or a sensation of deadness in the mouth or lips. Hazard factors incorporate tobacco and liquor use. With both tobacco and drinking liquor, the danger of oral disease is multiple times more noteworthy.