Effect of pesticide application on plant growth characteristics of maize (Zea mays L)
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Maize is one of the most important versatile cereal crops grown in tropical and temperate regions of the world Field study were conducted at lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab during kharif season of year the 2016-17 from June to Oct experiment on “Effect of pesticide application on plant growth characteristics of maize”. In this experimental study will document the possible adverse or synergistic effect of pesticides application on the plant growth and development and yield of maize plants in the absence of the pest and disease causing agent in which seven treatment with three replication, by using two weedicide (Atrazine, Alachlor), two fungicide (Thiram, Indofil) and two insecticide (Chlorpyrifos, Monocrotophos) were used in experimental farm. All these were arranged in a randomized complete block design. The maize hybrid of Pioneer (P3396) which gives high yield, it was selected to grow as an experimental trail. Its maturing period is 90-100 Days of sowing. It is a mid-duration maize Hybrid variety. Weedicide (Atrazine-pre emergence) was used before sowing using only in R1T1, R2T1, R3T1 and Fungicide (Thiram –seed treatment) was using only R1T3, R2T3, R3T3 weedicide (Alachlor applied 2-3 week after sowingR1T2, R2T2R3T2. SPSS software was used to compute interrelation between various variables and correlation coefficients. Significant differences between means were estimated by the least significant difference at 5%. Result revealed that weeedicide Atrazine-pre emergence and Alachlor were given significant results and they suppressed the weeds growth in initial stage as well as different interval of times so competition level in between crop and weed decreased in different interval of time and it directly effect on growth parameters (height of plant, number of green leaves ,girth of stem etc)and yield of contributing factors (tested grain, average grain yield etc)maize crop.