Research Article
Effect of Physicochemical Parameters on Screening Characteristics of Suspension in Bioremediation Sampling
Ukpaka CP* and Umah Kingdom
Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
- *Corresponding Author:
- Ukpaka CP
Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering
Rivers State University of Science and Technology
Nkpolu PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Tel: +2349038858167
Received Date: December 31, 2016; Accepted Date: January 27, 2017; Published Date: January 31, 2017
Citation: Ukpaka CP, Kingdom U (2017) Effect of Physicochemical Parameters on Screening Characteristics of Suspension in Bioremediation Sampling. J Anal Bioanal Tech 8:345. doi: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000345
Copyright: © 2017 Ukpaka CP, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The research demonstrates the significance of some physicochemical parameters on the characteristics of suspension in bioremediation sampling. In this investigation, physicochemical parameters of soil sample polluted with crude oil was subjected into sampling by considering the total phosphorus, nitrogen and pH concentration at initial, intermediate and final stage upon the influence of the period of exposure as well as the average values were determined mathematically. The mathematical tools of matrix was formulated from the obtained data and resolved using the mathematical techniques known as matlab (Matrix Laboratory) computer programme language. The results obtained revealed the influence of physicochemical parameters as well as the microbial concentration on increasing the screening characteristics of suspension in bioremediation during sampling.