Evaluation of Different Blended Fertilizers Types and Rates for Better Production of Wheat in Lemu Woreda
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The field experiment was conducted during 2017/18 cropping season at Hadiya zone lemu woreda testing site of Areka Agricultural Research center, southern Ethiopia to evaluate the effect of blended fertilizer on yield of wheat with the treatments of six replicated three times in RCBD design. The treatments were: control (no fertilizer), NPS (92N, 54P2O5, 10S), and four rates of NPSB (46N, 54P2O5, 10S, 1.07B; 69N, 72P2O5, 13S, 1.4B, and 92N, 90P2O5, 17S, 1.7B,). The plot size was 4 m by 4 m (16 m2) and the spacing between plots and blocks was 50cm and 100cm, respectively. The result of this experiment has substantiated the importance of application of NPSB (combination of B with macro nutrients NPS) fertilizers in improving yield of wheat in the study area. Despite the need of verification in multi-locations and soil types for wider use, application of NPSB can be recommended for wheat production in the study area.