Growth and Yield Performance Sunflower under NP Fertilizer Levels
*Corresponding Author:Received Date: Sep 21, 2020 / Published Date: Aug 17, 2022
Copyright: © 2022 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

The present study was carried out to assess the growth and yield performance of sunflower under NP fertilizer levels at oil seed section, agriculture research institute, Tandojam during the year 2012-2013. The experimental laid out in RCBD (factorial) with net plot size (3 × 4) m (12 m2), the sunflower variety HO-1 was used and checked under various NP treatments i. e. F1 0-0 control, F2=80-40, F3 100-50, F4 150-50, F5 120-50 and 120-75 NP kg ha-1. The results revealed that all the parameters of sunflower were significantly affected (P<0.05) by different NP levels. The results further revealed that maximum values for sunflowers traits under study i-e days to 75% maturity (91. 17), days to 90% maturity (16.1), plant height (184.25 cm), stem girth (6.65 cm), seeds head-1 (116.91), seed index (90.33 g), yield kg ha-1 (2172), were recorded under treatment F4 i-e (150-50-0), Whereas; minimum values for various sunflower traits i.e. plant height (123.17 cm), stem girth (4.37 cm), head diameter (6.66 cm), seeds head-1 (850.30) seed index 100 seeds weight and seed yield (1512.70 kg ha-1) in control treatments where no fertilizer was applied. It was concluded that growth and seed yield also increased at 150-50 NP kg ha-1 and thus recommended for better performance and yield of sunflower crop.