In Vitro Evaluation of Some Fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum the Causal of Wilt Disease of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in Ethiopia
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Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici (FOC) of hot pepper is one of the major pathogens that constrained production and productivity of hot pepper in Ethiopia. The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of some selected fungicides for the management of this disease in one of the major hot pepper production regions in Ethiopia, the Central Rift Valley. Isolate 4DGK was used as the most virulent isolate with 100% wilt incidence to Mareko fana variety. As a result, it was used to evaluate the level of fungicides in combating the isolate. Results obtained from radial growth on petri-dish having 9 cm revealed significant differences in mycelial growth inhibition. Among tested 5 fungicides, URGI 75% WP, Nativo SC 300, Twinstar 75 WG led to 98.8%, 94.0% and 92.3% mycelia growth inhibition, respectively. Mancodex Super 72 WP (2.9%) and Agro Laxyl MZ 63.5 WP (6.5%), that was not effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of hot pepper fusarium wilt. In general, Fusarium wilt of hot pepper can be managed by fungicides. Nevertheless, the efficacy and economic validity of fungicides should be verified under multi-location field studies.