Integrated management of phytobacterial diseases through the cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and the use of Algerian isolates of Trichodermaasperellum
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As a preventive measure against the introduction and spread of quarantine phytopathogenic bacteria and to limit and reduce the damage caused by other bacteria on crops, a new integrated management model is proposed, based on: The establishment of medicinal and aromatic insect repellent plants, the treatment of plants with plant extracts for their bactericidal, insecticidal and insect repellent potentialities in the wood parks, nurseries for the propagation of seedlings and in orchards susceptible to bacterial infections transmitted by insect vectors, The development of large-scale Medicinal and Aromatic cultures under the effect of biostimulants for the industry in order to increase their biomass as well as the yield and effectiveness of their biomolecules for bactericidal and insecticidal interest, The application of Algerian isolates of Trichodermaasperellum and their secondary metabolites in the culture
system for their beneficeffects asbiostimulant, hyperparasitic, bactericidal, insect repellent and nematicidal.