Research Article
Life after the Emergency Services: An Exploratory Study of Well Being and Quality of Life in Emergency Service Retirees
Bracken-Scally. M1*, McGilloway. S1, Gallagher. S2, & Mitchell. J.T3
1Department of Psychology, National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
2National Ambulance Service, Health Service Executive, Ireland
3Department of Emergency Health Services, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), USA
Much is known about the negative impact of emergency services work, but no studies, to date, have investigated its long-term consequences. This cross-sectional study assesses the possible long-term effects on quality of life, of trauma exposure and emergency work in a sample of retirees from the Irish emergency services (n=169) and a comparison group of non-emergency service retirees (n=140). A multi-questionnaire postal survey was administered to assess quality of life (QoL; WHOQOL-BREF), experiences of trauma, and trauma symptoms (PSS-SR). QoL was significantly better in non-emergency retirees, whilst this group also had significantly fewer trauma symptoms. Incidents involving children were identified by a large proportion of emergency retirees as being particularly difficult to manage. The findings address a significant gap in our knowledge around the possible longer term effects of emergency services work in an often neglected sub-group. Factors associated with increased QoL and reduced symptoms of PTSD are discussed, as are some possible recommendations for the future.