Literature Review of Probable Ayurvedic Parlance for COVID-19
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Introduction: Corona virus disease called as COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discoveredCoronavirus. Most people infected with the Corona virus virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness,fever, sore throat etc. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like CVD, diabetes, chronicrespiratory disease etc are more likely to develop serious illness. The Corona virus spreads primarily throughdroplets of the saliva or discharge from nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Ayurveda [TraditionalMedicine (TRM) of India as per WHO], the holistic science of medicine, as practiced and utilized by Indians sincecenturies has many references of diseases having symptoms similar to COVID-19.Materials and methods: Paper attempts to review the possibilities of Ayurveda (one among indian system ofmedicine) against the pandemic by reviewing the classical literatures of Ayurveda (one among indian system ofmedicine.Results:COVID-19 symptoms in Ayurveda[traditional medicine (TRM) of India as per WHO] can be correlated todisease named Jwara(fever), Kasa(cough), Swasa(respiratory diseases). Many of the symptoms mentioned inCOVID-19 can be seen in the above mentioned literature of Ayurveda [Traditional Medicine (TRM) of India as perWHO] along with its treatment.Conclusion: Treatment adopted for diseases Jwara (fever), Kasa (cough), Swasa (respiratory diseases) andImmunomodulatory drugs can effectively tried for symptoms associated with COVID-19. Ayurveda [traditionalmedicine (TRM) of India as per WHO] the treatment is selected according to the presentation of symptoms which willbe a great boon in the present pandemic situation.