Management of Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis by Integrated Naturopathy and Yoga Therapy: A Case Report
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A spondylolisthesis is the forward displacement of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below, arises as a result
of a pars defect. Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis is an established condition classically involves the L4/
L5 level with mild degenerative changes, and the symptoms vary from lower back pain to lower limb radiculopathy
depending on the severity. We report the case of 57 years old married women diagnosed with Lumbar Degenerative
Spondylolisthesis after an accidental fall and her symptoms began with severe pain and numbness in both legs
radiating from her buttock region. This case study was done to investigate the effectiveness of combined yoga and
naturopathy therapy in relieving degenerative pain. The subject received specific Yoga protocol includes Yogasanas,
Pranayama and Relaxation technique along with Naturopathy treatments including hydrotherapy, acupuncture and
natural diet therapy for 30 days. According to the findings of the VAS and SF-MPQ-2 scale, the pain symptoms
score changed from 9.2 to 1.3 and 79 to 20 respectively. This result has been shown that the combined effect of
Yoga and naturopathy treatment helps in relieving pain and improves the quality of life in patients with degenerative