Medicinal and traditional utilization of diospyros mespiliformis: A review
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Diospyros mespiliformis is the largest genus in Ebenaceae that has more than 500 species with remarkable economical values, especially Diospyros kaki Thunb which has traditionally been used as an important food resource in China, Korea, and Japan. The tree has multipurpose uses including timber, edible fruits, and traditional uses. The tree is used for both traditional and popular medicine in various traditions. It has antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, therapy for insomnia, antihemintic and enzyme-inhibitory. The tree is a native to Africa, Asia and some part of Europe. Leaves are usually simple, alternate, and coriaceous. In most African countries, fruits from the tree are normally consumed as fruits and also as antibiotic; the leaves are feed by animals especially camels. In Nigeria, the genus is mostly found in the extreme northern part of the country. The people in the rural area collect this fruits and sell them make their source of livelihood. The aim of this review is to search and itemize the recent findings pertaining to the medicinal and traditional value of this genus. In addition, the review also attempts to identify some local utilization of this genus with the aim of creating further awareness on the important of this genus to mankind.