Micro Propagation Protocols for Five Sugarcane Cultivars
*Corresponding Author: Gamachu Olani, Department of Agriculture, Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC), Ethiopia, Email: gamachuolani@gmail.comReceived Date: Nov 02, 2021 / Accepted Date: Nov 16, 2021 / Published Date: Nov 23, 2021
Citation: Olani G, Micro Propagation Protocols for Five Sugarcane Cultivars , Adv Crop Sci Tech. 9: 486
Copyright: Olani G. (2021). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

In vitro propagation protocol optimized for five Sugarcane cultivars, namely V2-111, V2-333, V2-444, V2- 555 and V2-999 studied. Stems sterilized with 2% local bleach for 20 minutes within laminar flow before their culture on hormone free basal media for their establishment. MS media with 1mg/L BAP+0.1mg/L GA3 resulted a significant number shoots for cultivars V2-333; and 0.5mg/LBAP+0.5mg/L KN, 0.5mg/LBAP alone and hormone free for V2-999, V2-111 and V2-555 with mean of 10.5, 16.3 and 28.2 shoots respectively. All treatments except hormone free resulted better numbers for V2-444, that is 25.2. Finally, when shoots transferred for their rooting and elongation, 1/2MS supplemented with 3mg/LNAA and 1.5mg/LIBA resulted best numbers of roots across all cultivars with means 5.45 and 5.00 respectively. After 30 days, rooted plantlets acclimatized in maintained greenhouse resulting highest 100% survival for cv V2-555.