Modelling with root, the centre of life
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Most genomic expressions in plants and animals are due to the environmental interactions, these all we are knowing. Whether a further prolong survival or non-survival of living-beings for both plants and animals may solely depend more on environmental variables. In plant-science. author has presumed and proved that in all situations. a centre of life in any plants is situated on their roots, or tip of their root. Found that a plant cannot grow or live-long without their roots when growth is concerned. Given an experiment here, this communication made on an perpetual aquatic plant and in search of creations of life or the centre of life in plant is mere, the roots. The aquatic plant species experimented Ipomoea reptans, easy growing a hydrophyte has rooting system which habited usually in aquatic-medium and the shoots prevailing as aerial parts. In such aquatic medium where the roots prevail, if no oxygen supplied or given in the aquatic medium whole the plant get dies, even though the plants have their aerial shoots. Under a condition of given zero (0 ppm) oxygen when dissolved oxygen gets replaced by other natural gasses or gaseous bio-molecules synthesized owing to environmental pollution namely namely Methane, Sulphur di-oxide or even with Carbon di-oxide in aquatic mediums. Thus this may be the hidden-reason why we do discard roots of a plant to consider as food-values. Keys here are as following Aquatic plants, rooting medium, No dissolved oxygen, computer and electronics, Root the centre of life in plants