Mushrooms-The Edible Fungus
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Is fungi only a disease? Or Can we eat fungi? The only fungi which we can eat is Mushroom. But are all Mushrooms edible? A mushroom is neither a fruit nor a vegetable; technically mushrooms aren’t even plants. A mushroom or toadstool is the fleshy, spore- bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground, on soil, or on its food source. Mushrooms are special type of fungus which is Edible, with great addition of nutrition and good for healthy diet. Mushrooms are not plants and require different conditions for optimal growth. This ares Plants which develop through photosynthesis, a process that converts atmospheric carbondioxide into carbohydrates, especially cellulose. While sunlight provides an energy source for plants, mushrooms derive all of their energy and growth materials from their growth medium, through biochemical decomposition processes. This does not mean that light is an irrelevant requirement, since some fungi use light as a signal for fruiting. However, all the materials for growth must already be present in the growth medium.