Neuroboriellosis and Associated Myoclonus in a Patient with Kartegener’s Syndrome
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In the current time cardiopulmonary disorders are
the most common cause of death and disability among
which atelectasis has now become an advanced disease
in Pakistan and all over the world. Atelectasis is a
condition in which one or more areas of your lungs
collapse or don't inflate properly which is appeared
with high morbidity and mortality. There appears to be
no published data on Peak flow meter exercises and
effects of Peak flow meter exercises on atelectasis in
Pakistan or in the world. The purpose of this study is
the advancement and role of Peak flow meter exercises
after atelectasis. To determine the effectiveness of Peak
flow meter exercises on atelectasis. cardiopulmonary
diseases are the most common cause of death and
disability among which atelectasis has now become an
advanced disease in Pakistan and all over the world.
Furthermore according to international studies
respiratory problems are most leading cause of death
and loss of lung volume is noted routinely after
atelectasis. Furthermore, atelectasis appears with high
morbidity and mortality after surgery involving
sternotomy which occurs approximately 7.4 cases-18
cases per one lac population per annually in men and
1.2 cases-6 cases per one lac population per annually in
women’s. As we know that atelectasis is very advanced
but a major procedure so it may give rise to multiple
complications, some of them are discussed as above.
There are different factors which interfere with normal
respiratory mechanics due to atelectasis i.e. pain due to
sternotomy and air presence in the pleural space which
leads to guarded breathing, increased mucus production
and decreased mucociliary clearance are some of the
important causes which affect the gas exchange and
promote hypoxia, hypercapnia and tachypnea . In these
circumstances, if the patient also develops decrease
lung compliance due to air in the lung then it may lead
to increase pleural pressure and comprises lung
expansion causing further.
A total of 56 patients were selected post atelectasis with
a complaint of absent or decreased air entry in lung
bases. All the patients were selected by non-probability
convenient sampling and distributed randomly into
control and experimental groups. A well-designed
questionnaire was used for the collection of data. The
assessment before and after Peak flow meter exercises
was done and different variables (auscultation scale,
arterial blood gases and dyspnea Borges scale) were
noted. General physical therapy protocol was given to all
patients but Peak flow meter exercises were added for
the experimental group. General physical therapy
protocol (mobilization, static walk, breathing exercises
and in bed activity) given to both the groups were the
same but active peak flow meter exercises were
performed only by the experimental group. Different
tools were used in this study like auscultation scale of the
chest, Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) and dyspnea Borges
Results: Different variables were analyzed and the
experimental group shows highly significant in the
improvement of lung sound and x-ray. It was also noted
that the Borges Dyspnea scale and auscultation scale ,
partial pressure of carbon dioxide all found highly
significant in the experimental group, but the PO2 and
SO2 was not found significant.
These findings suggest that Peak flow meter exercises
are effective to improve lung expansion in atelectasis
patients. The improvement of the experimental group
was early as compare to the control group. The potential
for administration of technique was safe and proved to be
very effective for the improvement of atelectasis. Then
general Physical therapy treatment was given to both the
groups i.e. control group and experimental group, but 2
hourly 20 active peak flow meter exercises were
performed by each patient in the experimental group.
The patients in the experimental group were instructed to
inhale as much air as they can and then exhale the air
through peak flow meter slowly which gives a positive
pressure on the lungs to improve the lung compliance
and to improve the Arterial Blood Gasses (ABGs) and
also to improve the lung volumes and capacities.
The mean age of the experimental and control group
years respectively. Patients gender consists 39 male
(Experimental 20, Control 19) and 17 females
Experimental 09, Control , 18 smokers (8 experimental,
10 control group) 21 with diabetes (09 experimental, 12
control group) as per Pulmonary function scale, on the
first day mean was noted 4.00 ± 0 for both experimental
and control group but on the third-day post- chest tubes
mean for experimental group (1.00) and control group
(1.43 ± 0.504) highly significant which shows the