Organophosphate Toxicity and its Management: A Review
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Organophosphorus (OP) compounds are extensively applied for agriculture and domestic pest-control. Selfpoisoning of pesticide reports for one-sixth to one-eighth of the world’s suicides. OP pesticides inhibit cholinesterase enzymes leading to overstimulation of cholinergic receptors. The analysis of OP poisoning is made on the ground of history of toxicity, odor of pesticides, the distinctive clinical signs and reduced cholinesterase activity. Measurement of plasma cholinesterase is helpful for identification of OP poisoning although it may not directly associate with severity of the poisoning. Atropine remains the major stay of management of OP poisoning with clear proof of benefit if administered efficiently. Pralidoxime can be also applied in suggestive patients but close monitoring is essential. Although several novel adjuvant treatments are tried to attain better result, but their potential benefits are not yet established.