Research Article
Repeated Suicide Attempts in Emergency Room Psychiatric Referrals
Gramaglia C1, Bert F2*, Gattoni E1, Delicato C1, Di Marco S1, Coppola I1, Venesia A1, Marangon D3, Castello LM4, Avanzi GC4, Siliquini R2, Torre E1, Zeppegno P1,3
1Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Translational Medicine, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Via Solaroli n° 17, 28100, Novara, Italy
2Department of Public Health and Paediatric Sciences, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
3SC Psichiatria, AOU Maggiore della Carità, Corso Mazzini n° 18, 28100, Novara, Italy
4Emergency Medicine, Department of Translational Medicine, Università del Piemonte Orientale, AOU Maggiore della Carità, Corso Mazzini n° 18, 28100, Novara, Italy
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It is widely acknowledged that 16% to 34% of suicide attempters repeat a suicide behavior within 1-2 years after the first, “index”, attempt, and that a previous nonfatal suicide attempt is found in up to 40% of suicide deaths (Scoliers, Portzky, van Heeringen & Audenaert, 2009). Suicide attempt is defined as “a self inflicted, potentially injurious behavior with a nonfatal outcome for which there is evidence (either explicit or implicit) of intent to die; a suicide attempt may result in no injuries, or death” (Silverman, Berman Sanddal & O’carroll, 2007).